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Everything posted by amit

  1. me , toyheroes not good game and i wish the all fake games will be remove
  2. I have a suggestion, I think it's worth bringing back the sounds of the weapons from before, like all the GODS, each weapon and its sound, it's not fun to have all the weapons with the same sound what do you think?
  3. so dear microvolts i would like to know what about my request for being mv content creator i really want to do something to help the game .. thanks
  4. i think its taking them so long to respond as i can see the game has keep on losing players in the first day was 3.5k players now its 800 per day
  5. ik ur very bust at what ur doing for the game but respond please Hi, I submitted a request for a content creator, it's been a week, and no one has gotten back to me, can you please let me know what's going on with it, it's very important to me, I want to expand our community to make it huge, I also opened a TICKET and there was no answer, so please, At least just an answer so I know what's going on
  6. i have a suggestion for u im a youtuber/streamer i have 3.5k subscribers i would like to work with u like shaRE the game and i will get only a tag in the game of youtber idc about get special things just want to share the game cause im appreciate that g ame so hard im playing this game since 2013 so if you interested tell me