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Everything posted by idek

  1. I have been playing microvolts ever since i could and i remember the day I woke up to the game being unavailable. I cried for days because I thought it was some internet issue or sm until my brother told me that the game was over. It has been 10 years or so and I find it hard to believe that they are still working on the game to this day. I wish they would stop posting anual bullshit announcements just to keep our hopes high. Honestly, I do not believe that Microvolts is going to rebirth , the team keeps postponing the release date and messing around, never giving us specific information on what they were updating, and now this whole forum thing is unacceptable. Y'all kept the game's fans waiting for 10 YEARS and giving us silent treatment just to cover it all up with some fucking forum?!! Nah man, just sell the game and let us enjoy it. Just a disclaimer please do not tell me to go play ToyHeroes because thats the crappiest and cheapest dupe i've ever seen, despite the fact that no one plays it. If someone knows anything about the release please let me know, ty.