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Everything posted by silent

  1. Os brasileiros às vezes têm o hábito de acusar todo mundo de trapaça… Inclusive, um desses caras me acusou de usar cheat só porque consegui matá-lo algumas vezes. Esta parece ser uma reação comum dos jogadores brasileiros ao encontrarem pessoas melhores que eles. Quanto aos truques do toyheroes, não se preocupe, eles não funcionarão neste jogo. Os desenvolvedores já alteraram os valores e fizeram de tudo para evitar que os cheats antigos funcionassem nesta versão.
  2. Hey There, I would like to bring to your attention the matter of the Clanwars system. This feature has been a part of our gaming experience for quite some time, and we initially anticipated its presence from the game's inception. It has consistently proven to be a transformative aspect of our gameplay. Please do not misunderstand me; the initial days of the game are undeniably enjoyable with the standard modes. However, it is becoming increasingly evident that these modes are becoming somewhat repetitive and lackluster. To rejuvenate the excitement and enthusiasm within our player community, the revival of the clan system is of utmost importance. While we eagerly await the implementation of the competitive system and tournaments (which will undoubtedly be the game's primary focus).