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Everything posted by PrawT

  1. Sorry wanted to edit that "ok" post but cant. This made me think of that toy fleet glitch from way back in the days. Only REAL OG'S knew how to do it. Remembered trynna do it for hours on end ๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. Hopefully masang puts good money from mtx in developement and improvements then โ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธ
  3. Honestly dont feel like there's any reason to not pick e.g. power sniper og meele. Oneshotting someone is too goddamm op than to pick some of the other ones. Nerfing it would be a pain, but buffing the other side to give for example snipers that doesent oneshot way faster reloading and zoom speed could be nice
  4. Past few days, everything i've heard from this community in people proclaiming their opinion on how bad of a state the game is in. There's way to many problematic issues that need to be acted on right now, and you post patch notes that does not cover a single thing that the game actually needs. I know you cant make theese changes from day to day, but ATLEAST talk to us. We hear nothing about how your going to change this game for the better. It will be maximum 1 month before the game is dead for good, if you do not communicate with the community. I do not need 3 small system changes, i need developers to have a chat with their community and talk about roadmap, changes and most importantly what needs to be fixed NOW and not in the future.