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Everything posted by Doll

  1. That is so adorable omg, you should definitely do Pandora!
  2. rest in peace to my og girl ๐Ÿ’”
  3. I definitely agree with the grenade's radius being too far, and reworking snipers. The levels really do look plain and I hope they can figure something out to quickly rework the level system, maybe reset everyone's level and give some sort of compensation such as MP. I am excited to see the future events and game modes and what they will do with the remaining stuff they have from the MVS files, and I kinda hope they do add The Plaza, except maybe without the bugs from the past.
  4. I don't believe HP or Speed is that broken, HP and Speed has existed for years and years. You can definitely counter HP users with weapons upgraded on power. If Microvolts sees fit, maybe they could add a limit to Speed and HP. What would you think they should do though?
  5. your username brought me many sad memories nonetheless i miss her
  6. YES! I also love Castlevania, maybe Carmilla as Amelia! or Maine from Edgerunners as Sharkill.
  7. Before Microvolts release, I played comfort games such as Costume Quest, Stray, and Grounded with a friend of mine. I've come to realize that story games are really my thing and I've been looking for more to play and enjoy โค๏ธ
  8. What games, animes, shows, or anything you're interested in you'd wanna see Microvolts collab with? whether it's outfits, weapons, accessories, etc! For me personally I'd love to see a League of Legends collab! for example, Evelynn as Pandora!
  9. that is so gorgeous, now do pandora to peter LMAO
  10. Doll

    Kai as a Aranara!

    SO CUTEEE oh my god, I hated the aranara quests tho LOL
  11. I started playing MicroVolts around April of 2012!
  12. I already knew that, but I'd hoped they would add it by now! โค๏ธ
  13. I've noticed that my clan is not popping up on my MV profile, anyone else?