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  1. Pessoal é engraçado kkkk. Sniper + Rifle é a combinação perfeita em distancia contra os swap. Racismo é tolerância 0 e espero que tenha punição quanto a isso. E se realmente tiver xitado que leve o ban e não jogue mais 🙂
  2. it's totally boring and tiring, we gain MP just by leveling up and not by finishing matches, the cost of the store is too high for our earnings and to use it in capsules is ridiculous... I LOVE this game and I've been in it since 2012 but As it is, I don't have the motivation to spend a lot of time playing. RT, in general, is incredibly expensive, especially for those who live in the southern hemisphere of the planet, like me, who lives in Brazil. There are missing game modes, zombie maps, old bugs still exist, in 1080P (full HD) it is blurry, there are several cosmetics missing from the MP store... I will continue playing my 10 games/day and leaving the game. I MISS YOU MY PANDORAAAAAAAA
  3. Cadê os Players BR? Queremos voltar com tudo no jogo e preciso de jogadores que participaram dos Servers anteriores. Se tiver alguém da antiga FANTASY dá um salve!