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Everything posted by NULLYUKI

  1. Please click on "More..." and screenshot the crash message.
  2. When does this crash occur? And check if you have all the latest drivers and Windows updates installed.
  3. I researched a bit about this crash, and mostly the cause was something from Windows. Can you check if you have all the latest updates of Windows installed? And check if you have all your latest driver updates installed and the latest BIOS version.
  4. It will help investigating the cause and solution for the issue if a screenshot of the error can be posted.
  5. What crash error did you received when trying this method?
  6. As you are using WIndows 7. It would be good to know what your overall computer specs are.
  7. Also make sure if you have a extra Anti-Virus software installed, that it is not blocking the game.
  8. Is there an option to provide a crash log when you press on "More..." ?
  9. If its capped at 75FPS you should check if you have V-Sync enabled in your graphic settings. Maybe the update changed some of your graphic settings.
  10. Would love to see following things being done: Improved Ai pathing for all maps. Different difficulties that would affect their reaction speed and gameplay in general. Being able to toggle what guns they will use and what not. These would be some of the things I would love to see being added/changed in the game.
  11. There have been Cheats already in the beta. It is not hard to create for such a old game one. Many known Cheat Developers and other cheating website, will create and sell cheats. And VAC won't do much, as they can easily just create a new Account.
  12. Normally it would appear when clicking on the three dots at the top right corner of your post. But this Forum is still having issues with editing posts, deleting posts, posting links or images results in a 403 Forbidden error. Sadly there are still too many bugs in the Forum making it harder to use. So we probably have to wait for it getting finally fixed. Sometimes I can edit my posts and sometimes not.
  13. Try in 1-2 hours again. And then post the current status again, if it worked or not.
  14. Which server are you trying to join? And how long was it that the maintenance passed?
  15. Compare your Steam account settings between the account that is not working and the account that is working. Maybe some setting is causing this issue.
  16. Make sure you have your latest graphic card driver installed.
  17. Mostly issues like this can be fixed by updating your graphic card driver. So please make sure you have the latest graphic card driver installed.
  18. Hello Microvolts Players, Regarding the recent release of the game and the already issues with hackers and the current usage of XIGNCODE3. Personally while they are currently and hopefully working on new changes and fixes, they should start removing XIGNCODE3, and then implement BattlEye or EasyAntiCheat as a solution. While this won't permanently remove the cheaters, it will make it a bit harder for them to cheat in this game. After they successfully implemented BattlEye or EasyAntiCheat. It would be a good start to begin with creating their own Anti-Cheat. And if it will be kernel based or not, should be decided by the community. Here is a little flowchart how it could might work:
  19. The Kick function was always a problem in gaming. It should be punishable causing too many false kicks.
  20. Lots of changes and fixes are needed right now, and I believe in the following months they will occur. I would appreciate it a level reset for the beginning of next year.
  21. I believe in the following months, more changes and fixes will be made.
  22. I don't think its possible to delete a character. You can try to contact the Support regarding your issue with the nickname.
  23. Also does this issue only occur in Microvolts or also in any other game?
  24. Check if you have the latest graphic card driver installed. And if you have so, how did you updated your graphic card driver? And make sure Windows has all latest updates installed.