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Everything posted by Goddesswolfy

  1. Leveling Doesn't have to be a grind, it's just a funny # that shows you put time in the game. There are some prizes but let's be real, people aren't leveling up for that reason, and leveling in any game almost always is that way when it comes to shooters. Upgrades on Weapons Again, I don't see the need to overcomplicate it. Stats are stats and if we're getting end level stats now, why should we grind harder to get that? It just alienates newer peeps from competing against those who have played the game and that's kinda unnecessary. We already have swapping ;p. I agree with a lot of this though. My Naomi not having her blonde hair pigtails is w i l d, but here we are.
  2. I forgot to mention the best thing to come from this version of the game, and that is by far the ability to change your sniper sensitivity specifically. Huge W. πŸ™‚
  3. So let's get the problematic stuff out of the way, yeah? (This is my opinion.) - Fix Coupons so that You don't have to relaunch game to retrieve items. Maybe a refresh/search for new mail on mailbox so we can pick it up easier? [Capsule] - Gamba bad, but has potential to be fun? As it stands right now after dropping 30$ I got literally 1 weapon, not even the one I wanted aesthetic wise. Honestly this is a horrible model imo, simply because people like quick gratification. We can't gamba for them through playing the game either, so the only way is to luck our way into it or funnel all our hard-earned cash into it which is frankly unreasonable. I work for a living, and I'm not dropping more than say 20-50$ a patch update. But if you consider the amount of people in my shoes, the overall benefit of catering to that playerbase will benefit the company and the game experience as a whole. The rates are abysmal we don't even get the full set which is even MORE gross imo. - Poor Rates (We're looking at a Gacha system, except this time the Gacha is purely aesthetics.) This is good for balance of the game, but bad for consistent income. - Single items instead of the full set at once. Yikes. - No Pity System - No way to get the gear with MP, which can be okay as long as it's reasonably affordable for the average person. Think maybe 10-20$ max for a cool set. - Alternatively: We could have add MP spins to the same capsule and keep it as is, and the rates would be fine. Maybe, 1,000 MP a spin? It's not guaranteed and would reward players grinding and gaming which is what we want anyways. [Clothing] I understand the game has limited options right now as it just came up from the grave. However, it does kinda bite that at the store you can't purchase the RT versions or acquire them in anyway without spending money much like the gacha version. Tbh, I could see a lot of value in adding MP purchase to these at say 20k. It'll be like double the price of a regular item, but it would reward those spending time on the game, which I feel should be the case. More than that, I feel like the value this game has is being able to customize your waifu/husbando or whatever to your tastes and not allowing people to earn their way to get that seems counter productive. [Controls] - Keybindings may reset on you when relaunching the game (any coupon enthusiasts?) I don't know it's reset on me, and it's reset on my friend after we switched to different keybinds. It reverts back to default key bindings which is awkward. Might be a bug, but feels bad having to redo the binds. - I don't know if this has always been in the game but if you walk off a ledge, and attempt to jump you won't get a double jump, it's not possible. Which is weird because if you jump before you go off the ledge you can double jump. It feels wonky and I feel like if we walk/run off say the middle of house top we should be able to double jump in the air if we haven't used it, lol. It's a small thing but it'd feel better in my opinion. - Allow the option to choose if snipers auto zoom in automatically or not. While we can just swap to a different weapon, it would feel smoother for some and be more accessible for those who don't like autozoom. [Things I Love] - Unlimited Time on Clothing! - Personalization of gear power/speed, etc. Very cool. πŸ™‚ - Upgrading cheap MP gear to become a tank or super speedy through tuning. (100 MP for the starter gear only, so you don't lack what you need!) - RT and MP variants share the same stats. Huge W. - When you spend RT you do get a lot of chances at the capsule, but it's bittersweet since the drop rates are so low you need them to even get anything you want at all. πŸ˜• - Lots of good items in the capsule that make you want to spend money be it in game money or cold hard cash. (although rn it's just cold hard cash) I want them but I don't wanna spend a few hundred just to get a set or piece I want, like any financially responsible person. This game is a much better version and closer to where it needs to be, and I'm happy to support and play it often in the future. But with the capsule rates abysmal I can't see myself tossing my money into a sea of chance, very frequently. I can imagine a good population of people to feel about the same. Those willing to spend money right now will probably continue to do so in the future anyways. πŸ˜‰ Also just to clarify: I'm not talking shade to those who do and have the disposable income to spend the money, by all means, I love this game and helping support it is super cool. I just feel like everyone would benefit if it was a bit more affordable for the public as a whole. This post is by no means a "this game is busted no chance rip before it even began" more like "it's a good start but here are somethings I think would improve the experience." What do ya'll think both about my impressions, and what were yours?!
  4. IGN: Goldenwolf Clan(s): Exalted, and another one I forgot but would remember if it was mentioned probably. I made Youtube videos, and then swapped to making different content when I stopped playing MV. I'll be rolling into this one though. But this thread is so old no one will notice. :^)