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  1. An Incentive to play There are several ways to engage a community and make them commit to hours of playtime, so i'll focus on the things that made me come back so many times and expand on how i think things could be improved, as well as touching a bit on how i would like to see the gameplay evolve. I think an appropriate amount of time investment/difficulty is really important as an incentive for people to keep playing and wanting to come back. One large aspect of the replayability of MVS for me was the grind to level up, get more mp, Spend it on the shop items, try the different weapons, purchase unlimited versions of the so obvious meta weapons, Go back and buy the pretty bad but unique alternative weapons, then in the later stages go off and mald at the mp capsule machine. The gathering and spending of MP in order to get cool shit from the different sources was really, really fun, but very early on they stopped releasing new outfits and weapons for the MP shop, For this idea i'm gonna assume that won't be the case for MVR(lets hope). Shop Items and other features locked behind a level requirement For example, if single wave was developed and had 5 levels instead of 2, each level is unlocked upon reaching lv 5,10,15,20,25. The rewards are increasingly lucrative and the chance of unique rewards dropping increases per each level. New shop items become availible following the same idea. Reskins/recolored versions of old weapons are made available as we progress. It could be fun for invested high level players to show off that subtle off-white coloring unlocked on their sea eagle after rippin through hours of playtime. Later stage unlocks (focusing on weapons) Should be distinct and a great deal of them worth aquiring for that reason. Balanced to be Valuable depending on the gamemode, visual appeal, map and/or playstyle. I like the uniqueness of the original mp weapons and think all new weapons should be designed in a similar fashion, where the upsides have drawbacks. Weapons designed with gamemodes in mind, like a grenade launcher that only has one bullet per mag, a reload time of 8s, a very large blast radius that continually deals damage over time for 6 seconds. Makes modes like bomb battle or zombie mode even more tactical. You could go absolutely wild with ideas for weapons and as long as they're locked behind certain gamemodes it wouldn't destroy the regular pvp aspect of the game either. The more niche weapon designs become the less useful they might be for newer player, so it makes sense to have them behind a level requirement to an extent. This might not be the best direction for the game at the moment as it is not in a stable position[and may never be], but i personally think seeing weapons get crazier and more niche would be super cool and fun. The general idea is: when you level up after a day, week or even longer of grinding, especially in the later stages of the game, i think it'd be really cool if instead of just getting a decent sum of mp, you got new things to spend it on, new modes to grind that are now more lucrative, access to better ways of accumulating resources, new ways to play, new boss battles (if they decide to continue developing that mode) it'd feel much more exciting and rewarding when you reach the next milestone.