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Everything posted by Vallons

  1. Yes, what else should you do? Lose all the investment and call it a failure? Ofc no. I know what you mean and I agree with you, they started working and listening to the community way too late, better late than never tho, they can still get on their feet and make the game great again. The latest updates have been ok imho, we only have to hope they'll keep up and listen even more to the community. I(we) shouldn't even care at all, it's not my(our) problem, it's their's, I always hope for the best tho, remember that companies exist to make money, noone does anything for free.
  2. They're still collecting data, until there's the poll still open I doubt they'll push the update. I'm also calling for the balance update since day one but the fact that they are starting to listen to the community makes me hope for the best. I know I've been harsh at the beginning but I guess we just have to wait, we can't do much more than that.
  3. I agree with you in every possible way, the current full tank + spam meta is awful, I see people using grenades and bazookas at close range instead of shotguns and that drives me crazy (if you're active on discord chances are that you've seen me saying that same exact thing over and over again). It's basically impossible to take on a 1v1 fight without getting blasted by a grenade rain thrown by a couple of randoms on the enemy team (without even knowing your position, they just spam because soon or later they'll get a kill, with how broken are explosives right now) Rifle's fallback feature sucks, it doesn't deal consistent damage and makes it hard to calculate the enemy's health, you can laser a target far away and still deal close to no damage, remove rifle fallback, please. MP gains might be reserved to ranked matches only (that's my guess, nothing confirmed ofc) but in the meantime we need a consistent source of MP (and no, spending RT to sell parts is not a consistent one, also 390 MP per part, including rares, is insulting). Bring back single drops like HPs, Ammos and SHIELDS (atm you can only use a shield in the tutorial stage and in single wave mode, which no one plays because it has no rewards) Consider adding more benefits to the Membership, (excluding the 50 RT/day event which will EVENTually end, ofc, pun intended) additional presets are a nice feature while unlimited battery and bonus MPs are a joke. Add an EXP bonus, a premium battlepass (with rewards for F2Players too) with exclusive skins, more missions, more prizes (this would keep a somewhat consistent income while keeping the player busy, don't hate at me, I listed F2P rewards too)
  4. They even used the OG Plaza map that was introduced with Square Mode as a background for the website event. I edited the screen to make you guys see the super jump pads on the stool and the countertop that you used to be able to walk on.
  5. Yeah, there always used to be a trailer showcasing the new items which made the update look really cool and exciting. Here are a few links (go on YT and copypaste after the /) PIRATES VS NINJAS trailer: watch?v=dSu2grHNIs0 APEX PREDATORS trailer: watch?v=g5YpxmCEfGc HEATWAVE trailer: watch?v=Wmz9gGh33HU WINTER WARFARE trailer: watch?v=6KQcRm1Frno (My favourite one, I just love it ❤️)
  6. This guy knows what he's talking about, I hope they'll consider his feedback a little bit more than just an opinion like.. He has pointed some game breaking and security exploits BEFORE the game even gets released, if that's not love & dedication than I don't know what else it is.. Keep up with the reports and provide a possible solution (ofc don't make it public, I don't have to tell you that) to the devs, I really really hope they are going to listen to you, props to you my man.