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  1. ^ At least it looks like there won't be any 10 MP rewards next month. Still not ideal, but...
  2. I use A.I. Battle pretty often to complete my daily/monthly missions and I'm glad it exists... I am more of a melee-only / zombie mode player. But I agree. The A.I. mode needs some improvements, while they won't miss a shot, they can't move themselves properly.
  3. Talking about the design, I'm fine with the way it is now. In the past (MV Surge), the Forum used to be separated into languages, and it was nice! However, I don't know if there's enough players using the Forum to separate it today, as doing it would also require a moderator for each language. Adding more categories to organize everything would be cool, but I wouldn't say it's really needed as there are other problems waiting to be solved. I wish they either removed everything that causes "403 Forbidden" or fixed it. It seems like they blocked it to avoid spam or something like this, but didn't remove the features. I would love to see the old emojis from the MVS forum, but that's probably impossible. 😆
  4. It's currently bugged and the developers are aware of it. We have to wait for it to be fixed. They announce the patch notes on Steam, Discord, Forum and if I'm not mistaken also on Instagram.
  5. The moderator application form is currently closed. Zacke, if you didn't apply there you will have to wait for the next moderator recruitment, as they said: "When a moderator position becomes vacant or when the term expires, we will be recruiting again."
  6. Esse bug tá rolando com várias pessoas e não sei se ainda tem algum fix. Uma amiga minha precisou reinstalar o jogo para resolver e parece ter melhorado. Se não fez isso ainda, acho que vale o teste
  7. I think they should make it customizable and keep only the number, like in League of Legends: you get a border for each level milestone you achieve, and you are free to choose which one you want to use.
  8. Level 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 rewards are bugged, while the others should be working fine. Have you tried clicking in the reward's thumbnail?
  9. It would be nice if you paste a screenshot of the error and the code here, maybe you just misspelled the coupon code. Please note that in order to receive your item, you have to restart the game. About the RT, check if your money is still in your Steam Account, because depending on your option when you purchased RT, the money will first come to your account and then you have to proceed with your RT purchase after. I don't remember what was exactly the option I chose, but this happened to me. You should also check with your bank if you have been charged and contact the Steam Support if so. You can check your purchase status in your Steam account's purchase history.
  10. I don't think they will do something like this because it would be different skins for each type, which is something they are avoiding. But I agree, I miss having a way to differentiate them. Maybe add something different in the weapon's thumbnail, like a text or a colored frame. The rare weapons already have a different color of background and frame (check screenshot), so they could just use the same system. That way we could at least differentiate it in the inventory without having to read the weapon's name. One thing is for sure, they definitely have to change the A/B/C/D to any other nomenclature 🥲. I disagree to using Gold/Silver/Bronze as it implies one is better than another, but it could be just the name of the weapon specialty, for example: Melee (A) -> Melee (Run Speed); Melee (B) -> Melee (Range); Melee (C) -> Melee (Power).
  11. Click in "Get Support" link in the footer of the forum, log in, click in "SUPPORT" in the top-right, choose the Microvolts Recharged category and then click in the "WRITE" button. If you are already logged in, just choose the category and click the "WRITE" button. I can't post the link here because of 403 Forbidden error, so I hope my instructions are understandable 😅 There will be an space for you to write about the bug and attach files if needed. For some reason video is not allowed, so we have to upload it on YouTube and then put the link in the report ticket.
  12. I mean, it's not about believing or not. For the developers to fix the bug, it's easier if they have some reference, details on reproduction steps (if you happen to remember what you did BEFORE it happening), what you tried to do to fix but wasn't successful, etc. Every bit of information is useful. Someone from outside reporting it for you without any of these information (that should come from you, who is bugged) isn't doing much. If you want the bug to be fixed, you should do it yourself. If you don't want to do it, it's fine though. I was just trying to help. I'm sorry if it offended you or seemed rude in any way. Also, I think they check the support tickets more often for things regarding bugs / glitches and reports than the forum. I didn't understand your last question.
  13. Instead of letting Davi report it for you, I'd recommend you to record a video if it's still occurring and report it yourself. It doesn't make much sense to let other people report a bug for us when it didn't happen with them.
  14. Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for the information! I reported this bug a few days ago, let's hope it's fixed soon.
  15. Just a question, as I don't play TDM/FFA or anything besides zombie mode 😆, you tried picking up the ones in the map that keeps respawning or does it also not count when you pick up the ones that the figures drops after dying?