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Everything posted by raiyok113r

  1. I think I know why they didn't understand me. Tanooki what I'm trying to say is that I'm not asking for money or any kind of financial support, I'm just asking someone who is a U.S. citizen or legal citizen to contact me privately if they want to fill out Form I-134A but nothing I'm not asking them to sleep at their house or support me. But you know Tanooki that you are right is not the right place to do this even if it lasts sleepless nights I will continue looking for someone who wants to fill out that form but nothing. Read the second comment. In case you do not know how to speak Spanish the two photos that appear below is from an application called Whatsapp that I find someone who is trying to scam me asking for $ 3000. And I answer that I do not have $ 500 thanks but anyway. It's not your problem thanks and happy day.
  2. It is horrible to live here believe me I have friends who are graduates are even engineers, TSU etc. Very professional people and there is no way to even work I had to leave the University for lack of money and I know that it is very dangerous to make contact online with unknown people but I have no options. America is a good country for people like me. That what I do since I left high school is look for work and watch time go by. I don't want to live here I swear so I ask for help. But thanks anyway ๐Ÿ™‚ I really liked the previous drawings. Greetings desafinado I see that you are still here. I don't want to live in Venezuela. If you want to help me contact me on Steam as raiyokun. Thank you blessings.
  3. I need to leave Venezuela with the humanitarian parole but I don't have a pateocinador so I need one
  4. I would like to clarify that people who are collecting money have nothing to do with the Welcome to us website.
  5. I am very sorry to waste your time. Happy day!.
  6. Like many of you this game was part of my childhood one of the best times of internet and online games hopefully the beta version ends because it really is satisfying a video game like this in 2023 that is not pay to win. I have to say that passing the time I found several wonderful people also waiting for this game I am a 19-year-old currently from the South American country of Venezuela says, my native language is Spanish. I have been dreaming for years since I was between 12 years wanting to leave my country where poverty is imminent and life opportunities are scarce will see all my life I dedicated myself to computer science I had a computer and on the internet along with my other relatives taught me and learned enough knowledge this game by Softnyx previously as Microwars. Veran I'm not a thief, I'm not a bad person. I have education and values I have dreams and goals that I cannot fulfill here all I need right now is a sponsor for the I-134A form for humanitarian parole. In Venezuela I can not exercise anything everything is chaos. Well I appreciate the attention of all of you and I hope some response of wish me happy luck day. Another thing I can not access the site Welcome to us. Since it is excessively full of people they also demand from 3000 to 10,000 dollars in advance promoting scam and human cruelty for something that is free which should not be can you help me please? I would greatly appreciate it. At least wish me good luck to be the Youtuber I dream of so much and to be able to move to the United States as soon as possible. To be more specific California Please Thank very munch you.