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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Volt


    What old mechanics are you referring to? Swapping and stuff absolutely cannot be removed, but crouch spamming and stuff definitely should, which they've said they'll look into.
  2. Man I hope those are a placeholder... Those seriously were made in 5 minutes tops... come on. Do they not have access to the old ones from MVS?
  3. Honestly this would've been way more interesting but they could always add a male elf figure. I always thought it was a shame that Amelia/Sophitia/Naomi were so similar, maybe Masangsoft can split them a bit and make them more unique.
  4. I play as CHIP almost exclusively, and I can agree that's easily a top 5 set across all figures, it's just perfect. Maybe even top 3 but it's hard to admit it looks better than CHIP's stuff hahaha
  5. Volt


    There will be more new players to this game than it's seen in a long time with it being available on Steam only. It'll have pretty solid player counts which will give it some attention too. With there also being a ranked mode, may not be added on release but it's coming, it will move some of the more competitive players to that mode hopefully. Lots of "skill" in this game comes from cheesing mechanics that aren't really able to be countered like crouch peeking, which is being looked at currently. That alone will make the game more competitively viable, hopefully growing the amount of players interested in ranked.
  6. Not really surprised but it's only a short delay, I hope they gave themselves enough extra time though. It's very embarrassing when a company delays a game's release time after time. Still very excited, gives me some time to try out Starfield.
  7. My friend and I have talked about this a lot, it would make them a ton of money dude. Imagine having a figurine of your own loadout... man...
  8. I remember watching your YT videos back then! My name was Boom/DaBigBoom I don't remember if you played EU or NA though, if it was EU we probably didn't know each other lol. Cool to see so many old names again, glad to see y'all are still around.
  9. That is great news actually, hopefully they can add more for other issues. I always thought it was insane that was really never taken care of.
  10. Hearing this from a very skilled player is refreshing. The only way I think that they should one-shot is if you're using the variant with the highest power, which should have low zoom and reload speed to make up for it. I also think snipers should have drop off, along with all other weapons (besides bazooka/grenade). I don't think it's very fair that sniper can do full damage across the map, like you said it's a fairly low skill, very high reward weapon. They could also have a "reverse" damage fall off, like Battlefield games have I believe (it's been a while since I last played it). Close range snipes can deal less damage up until a more reasonable range, then have a fairly large optimal, full damage range, then switch to damage fall off instead.
  11. Really solid feedback and suggestions, some of these are necessary changes. Everything is spot on, really hoping they get some good use out of this post.
  12. I agree, so far there aren't many reasons to grind the game, even double battery would be sick, it may seem like a lot but if they plan it to be unlimited already it's still infinitely less lol
  13. I never really understood why you could see what weapons people are using, I've never really thought this game needed a minimap though. I've honestly never pressed tab to check it lol. But for competitive matches I could see how a minimap would be helpful, these are two really good suggestions.
  14. I worried about this, a lot. I feel like they are going to release the "new" stuff from MVS, like the crazy and buggy space weapons and military weapons and stuff. I'd much rather have the classics come back, honestly there are a couple sets of weapons and parts I could go with never seeing again.
  15. I'm pretty sure it will continue to follow the current one-upgrade type system. This is to make sure that everyone has the same effective "power level" after selecting the stat choice for your items. Any extra upgrades would be cosmetic, like the fire light effect and weapon glow that we had at high level upgrades in Microvolts Surge.
  16. Tight, Awsome, and Jimi would be so cool to see early on. Tight was my first ever set I had and I miss it a lot. Any "old" cosmetics that are like pre-2014 are so cool. I always wanted the golden knight Naomi set, and of course I've gotta get the Santa CHIP set, what a classic.
  17. People who don't know this game very well wouldn't know that randomness is even in the game, in terms of damage. If they want this game to be competitive, randomness in damage and skillful stats for weapons must be prioritized. You can't have weapons that are not consistent in their own way, etc. having rifles and gatling guns that are far too inaccurate either. As someone with high level experience in a variety of FPS/TPS games, cutting out randomness in every way reasonable is always the best option. Imagine in CSGO if an AK didn't kill in one shot to the head just sometimes? That would be infuriating, and terrible game design. Randomness in damage is outdated, just like the P2W monetization. It's just one aspect that needs to go, and people wouldn't even notice it unless you really care about the competitiveness of the game, which would be vastly improved. The "stop listening to pros" idea is only somewhat true. While I'm a casual, and "pro" player at the same time, you have to listen to both. Catering too hard to either side leads to issues, you must please all players and ensure they have a good time, this is possible, though it isn't easy. Consistency does not negatively impact new players nor casuals, it screws them over just as much as it screws over pros. Microvolts, even with randomness is one of the least "new player friendly" games I've ever played. I'm confident I could go 20-0 in a 1vs1 against a new player even if they had experience playing other shooter games. Randomness isn't going to give them nearly enough of any advantage so it should not be a factor in how we think to make this game more friendly to new players. A new player is never going to know that shotguns headshot because there's no indicator in the killfeed, a new player probably won't recognize "hey that snipe should've killed", I bet casuals in Microvolts didn't even know those things after hundreds, if not a thousand hours.
  18. Very excited to hear August is a reasonable release date! Originally I had heard the goal was August was was rather worried, but I'm glad to see that the team is willing to continue making important changes even after the official release. This game has lots of potential, and the team at Masangsoft has shown they can make the right changes and additions to reach new peaks. I'm glad to have participated in the three beta phases, it was very interesting to see the game evolve and how the team's philosophy changes over time. I can't wait to see what the team has planned, and I can't wait to finally play my childhood game again, especially after the issues have been ironed out. Thank you, Leo.
  19. This is something I've always wanted changed, I don't see a reason for it to be launched in Windowed mode, it makes the game feel pretty cheap as a first impression. Each time I reinstall the game and have to do that again, it just feels strange.
  20. I really hope this feel comes back, because it's definitely possible. I feel like almost all weapons can be buffed for the most part, rifles especially still feel underpowered. Every weapon should be strong, but not overpowered. Every weapon has it's purpose and if you want to become the best player, you've got to learn them all very well (besides MG ๐Ÿ˜…). I'm excited for the competitive mode, but the game doesn't feel very competitive. Randomness in the damage, shotguns still being able to deal headshot damage (terrible idea, same with damage RNG), weapon inaccuracy and randomness, it needs some work.
  21. There's always been "golden" versions of basic weapons in the files I believe, golden Folding Shovel at the very least. I think that would be a really cool way to add those to the game, completing the achievements for each weapon, and you receive the respective golden weapon in return. You could pick from each weapon variant (A/B/C/D) ideally, or just make the reward the weapon variant that is the most popular.
  22. If they bring back MP/RT/Rainbow hammers I always thought those were cool rewards. If they don't, then a reward box would be great. A variety of items to make it worth while, some not so great, others that would be very exciting to receive. Gives some incentive to playing that mode.
  23. I'm still not sure why they are waiting until release to get moderators for the Discord, they should have chosen people before it was even released. No point to ever have a non-moderated server especially for someone that's official. Now people's view of the server is probably trashed and there's a whole bunch of stuff to clean up.
  24. Should be some time this month, I'd imagine probably towards the end of the month like the 25th if I had to guess.