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Posts posted by desafinado56

  1. 7 hours ago, MICROVOLTS said:

    I'm sorry, but I'll take that back. The team has decided not to have an official Discord server. Instead, we will focus more on the forum.


    Thats unfortunate since it would let you folk connect more with the playerbase. So do kindly reconsider it.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Sontopo said:

    I think isn't very polite and appropiate to answer a thread in a different language than the OP used to communicate.

    Exacly but let me try to translate this, pardon me if i get it wrong my spanish is rusty as all fucks
    1)Microvolts doesnt have another web page but it has steam and this website
    2)This is the only official web page
    3)According to what was published there will be an official discord server once the beta us out so they can better communicate with us.

  3. 59 minutes ago, Luna said:

    I also. I still see screenshots of the old mv to feel nostalgic that this great game was, I really want to be in the beta with all of you.

    I have like 3 screenshots and they are all shit, but its still nice to look at my old snazzy ninja ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. 3 hours ago, Sniper said:

    Even though they're removing p2w, I hate the idea of all weapons being the same damage or whatever so I hope they don't do that.

    Doubt that will be the case. THey most likely touched on the weapons complained most about, like gods.

  5. Its lovely that its finally coming back but im not going to lie, i feel a bit disapointed that it doesnt seem they have changed much about the game. A lot of us were expecting an updated look but well have to wiat and see what changes were made.

  6. Theres a lot to unpack here.
    I would make 2 changes that would end up fixing the whole players not getting game mechanics thing: A tutorial that actually shows you the mechanics, have a segment where the player has to learn about it and second make switching to your previously used weapon(namely hitting Q) is faster. Let me explain this, in the game you could say there are two kinds of swapping, regular and what i like to call ninja swaping(I call it that because of how much work your fingers have to do alongisde it being faster). The one most are more familiar with is ninja swaping where pull out your shotty, shoot, swap to your melee and then back to the shotty. Plain swapping you instead hit q twice, this is easier but at the cost of your swap speed being lower so by making this second type of swap be faster you lower the skill floor of the game by making one of the game mechanics easier to pull off.

    As for your fear of the game getting shut down because its no longer pay to win, mate have you been playing games in the last couple years ? Skins filled in that gap way better because people now cant complain about the lack of balance. Heres an example, blacklight retribtuion a game that was niche and had a smaller community yet it outlasted microvolts without using pay to win shit. So no the game being balanced wont kill it.

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