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  1. ofc balancing plays a huge role in all of that. my main point was, that the majority of the upcoming playerbase, or most likely even a lot of people that registered here already, won't be as supportive of the game with ''just cosmetics'' or ''just XY'' as for example Micro, or myself. all i care about is that they make enough money to be able to produce good advertisements - especially in times of tiktok, streamers and what not.. idc how they do it personally, as long as all of this won't be dead and forgotten within the next 3-6 months again. especially since f2p titles like these just aren't the same without a steady influx of new players, i'm not ready to face off against the same 5-10 people every day again.. it's just no fun.
  2. yeah true, advertisement for the game is horrendous. honestly a miracle that a lot of people on this forum were able to find out that this was a thing. we cannot really tell whether or not this will be a mistake (the cosmetic only stuff e.g), but it will definitely be a huge loss in profits - whoever denies that is just delusional.