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  1. Hey devs, first thank you for bringing old memories of my childhood back with MV. I'm glad i was able to participate in this first CBT and so i want to share some of my thoughts on the Zombie Mode (The mode i play the most) and in general. Zombie Mode First, due to the new weapons upgrade + parts upgrade, the survivor have a lot of speed and are basically uncatchable by zombie's normal speed, and the only way to catch them is using speed ability which is not always there. Please increase the speed of the zombies too, now with that comes another problem. The knockback that the weapons deal to the zombies is way too huge, if you are cornered by 3 survivors you are already dead, and you can't escape even with speed ability, so please do something about that either reducing the knockback received or give some sort of armor to the zombies. The HP feels too low sometimes, specially when the lobby has less than 10 players, because only 1 zombie spawns and you are easily cornered and killed, so along with what i suggested above, increase their HP according to the amount of players in the match and also make that always 2 zombies spawn if the lobby has more than 4 or 5 players. Some weapons like the Flame Machine Gun are heavily op, they can kill by themselves any zombies if they aren't going in groups against the survivor. Do some tweaks to that weapon; also the Falcon is still bad, buff it. To end it, the maps have still a lot of exploits, bugs and glitches to reach higher places that you can use in your favor , making the survivor team to have huge advantage (im going to post a pic in example), please put a invisible wall or something, this sort of thing shouldn't be able to be done. General Feedback About Weapon Upgrade, while i don't think is bad that they exist, because it helps with the economy of the game by not having an infinite amount of MP, i hope some of the effects are nerfed and that the cost is not too big on game release. Because things like full speed build still makes the user have a huge advantage. The differences between the weapons stats shouldn't be so big, atm the Shotgun Driver is the best due to its higher firerate and having 5 shoots, and you can increase its power and firerate with the upgrade, and is a huge upgrade too. Personally i have yet to encounter a Cheater but i know they exist, there is proof of that, so please don't be so stubborn, give some information about how is your new anticheat and if it will fix some problem. Also make some "in-game moderators" that are constantly playing and can ban immediatly any sort of cheater on report, the game is reviving and having cheaters will kill it immediatly, this is not Counter Strike that even with cheaters they will still have a huge amount of loyal players, any new players that see how easily is to cheat this game will simply leave.