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Everything posted by Guardevoir

  1. Actually we just got a reply in the prospective creators discord. They say the weapon balancing is still under discussion, so may take some time. I'd hope they would prioritze this discussion for now as it's the main issue for most right now. Oh and the new banning list is great as well. Cheaters should be exposed.
  2. Hi there, I just wanted to express my concern about the latest patch notes. Fixing bugs etc is great (although balancing 3-5 bugs a week is very little effort). However, the community has repeatedly asked for a balance change as the explosives are currently way too strong and make the game almost unplayable. This includes new, bad, old, good and very good players. When you started the poll asking for the community's opinion on the matter, I thought we would get a change fairly quickly, as the vote was very obvious and one-sided. Sadly now with the third patch notes after that poll, we still didn't receive those. At first I thought you were leaving the balancing until after the tournament. But now that it's over, we still haven't got it. The game is already at a death point. It lacks (in-game) content, cheating prevention (which requires MODs who know the game), stuff to grind for, a (promised) ranked mode, a beginners channel, but most of all good balancing. Even some of the melee only players are not happy with the random damage you have added to the game. At this rate the game will die out quite quickly. This game may just be a money grab, but even if it's just that... just changing the balance takes little time and will make more people stay with the game. Which, of course, will lead to more money for you, Masangsoft. So please announce the balance update already.
  3. Oh I didnt find those. I went and created my version myself ๐Ÿ˜… The C.H.I.P one looks spot on! Great find.
  4. does this count? 1540971201_microvoltshighlights14_Trim.mp4
  5. I'd have to agree to that aswell. The shuffling of the weapons is very much my own personal preference and that of some others. Definetly not a necessity for the game to succeed. Thanks for the feedback, didn't know about the source code problem.
  6. I'm not trying to butter up the developers in any way. I'm just not putting them down like many others have. I've read through different threads on this forum and found quite some good feedback. That's why I used the wording of "few people" in my introduction. Disagreeing with me is completely fine and there is no need to apologize for that. However I'm going to try and "defend" my claims and explain a bit further: The game isn't in the state Rock Hippo left it. That is true. I've never claimed that it was. However it's in a state we had once upon a time during MicroVolts Surge era. I didn't fall in love with the game when Rock Hippo left, I fell in love with the game when it came out. There were quite alot of changes in the meantime.. some good, some bad but overall the game got better over the years, I'd have to agree with that. So yeah currently the game is worse then what Rock Hippo had left us. The "complete lack of understanding for the game" is exactly what I meant when I said that they wouldn't know what is needed for the game to be a success as they've not done a testing before. I highly doubt they played the game themself back then so how'd they have an understanding for the game. I'm also not disregarding other peoples opinions at all. I take any feedback into consideration and make up my mind whether I find the feedback reasonable or not. Not sure what made you think differently. The red flag you were talking of, the budget issue, is nothing anyone of us can talk about in such thread. Obviously it would be horrendous for the game to have to fight with these problems, but other than suggestions like adding cosmetics for your diorama or re-skins of weapon and addition of new sets there is nothing I could suggest. Obviously that sucks but why talk about something I can't change when there is different stuff to talk about that might make the game better? Maybe I'm missing your point here, but I do not see how I'd bring money issues into this type of thread.
  7. Hey, before going into my thoughts about the game and it's current state I'd like to drop a few words towards a few people that don't seem to realize the purpose of a CBT. A CBT is there to understand the flaws, bugs and glitches of the game. These need to be fixed before any work on new things like a ranked gamemode, new maps, weapons or sets should be done. Yes, we've waited for the game to come out for quite some time yet I'd not expect 5 years of work done now that we got the closed beta. As we waited 5 years it's quite clear the game wasn't worked on for quite some time and without a testing being done before, how would they know what is needed to make the game work properly? Yes, that does suck.. however it's most likely not the current staffs fault. First of all I remember reading about them changing their team of people working on this project quite recently. Also I'd imagine that the higher ups of Masangsoft had different prioritizations as we'd have wished for. This totally doesn't fall in the responsibility of the staff currently working on MicroVolts Recharged. Which is why I'm asking you as a member of this community to not be too harsh and demanding for the time being. Just post your feedback and suggestions or down/upvote others ideas. Guardevoir Positives: - Smoother gameplay: I'm not sure why this is. I've heard about the code and tickrates being a little different which seems to work wonders for me. The game feels much smoother with less input lag. - I really like the idea of upgrading parts. This is very much a subjective opinion and I'd guess that there are very different opinions about this. - The design and 3d models of the new parts on the website look fantastic! - A ranked mode is long needed. I've been playing this game for over 11 years and besides a tournament every 6 months (which is mostly couldn't play at due to work and university) wasn't really doing it for me anymore. Not everyone likes tryhard, sweaty competition... but some do and those that do should get a little appreciation by a displayable rank aswell. Obviously the ranked mode will definetly need some testing as well as I could imagine there to be very toxic and/or fraudulent strategies as well as an abuse of a variety of bugs displayed. - The loading screen dioramas is also a very lucrative way of displaying your character but also for Masangsoft to get some money without having to bring out game breaking weapons like we had in the past of this game. Really like it! - As there wasn't an official game for 5 years the game was often copied, re-created and so on... most of these tries went horribly wrong and became more of a joke in our community. I'm glad this game hasn't become that yet. Besides a few negatives i'm going to list afterwards, the game is basically in an earlier state of the MicroVolts by NQ Games and Rock Hippo. The game we all fell in love with by the way. - MicroGuns: They have never really been a real option to use in the game. Now under some circumstances it actually feels reasonable and rewarding to use them. Very nice adjustment. - Rifles: I feel like the rifles are already quite well done. As I'll mention in my negative points the stats and weapons were a bit mixed up however if that's sorted out the rifles seem to be in a fine state. They don't really shine in the current version, but that's only due to other imbalances in terms of weapons I'm going to state in the negative points as well. Negatives: - The weapon balancing: The weapon balancing is just all over the place. It feels like the developers didn't know which stats belong to which weapon. Asking for any particular stats on weapons would be ridicoulus so I'm just going to list a few basics in terms of weapon stats we always had (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong): Melee | Run Speed | Power | Range Chain Saw: LOW HIGH MEDIUM Mad Wrench: MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH Steel Hammer: HIGH LOW MEDIUM Rifles | Power | Accuracy | Firing Rate Pepper LOW HIGH HIGH Sherlock HIGH LOW LOW Hornet MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM Shotguns | Power | Firing Rate | Ammo Capacity KW LOW HIGH 3 Bombard MEDIUM MEDIUM 3 Driver HIGH LOW 2 Snipers | Power | Zoom Speed | Reload Speed Sea Eagle MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM Venom HIGH HIGH LOW Vast (Multiple Bullets) LOW MEDIUM HIGH MicroGuns | Power | Warmup Time | Daredev LOW HIGH Crank HIGH LOW FireFly MEDIUM MEDIUM Bazookas | Power | Projectile Speed | Blast Radius | Firing Rate | Ammo Capacity Pocket Rocket HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW 2 Pound MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM 3 Mimic LOW LOW LOW HIGH 3 Grenade Launchers | Power | Blast Radius | Firing Rate | Ammo Capacity Pulse LOW LOW HIGH 3 Exile MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM 3 Thunder HIGH HIGH LOW 2 - The 2x Zoom: In the current version of the game every Sniper has a different zoom to what we had in the older version of MicroVolts. This could be a change we'd need to adjust to, but as most people I would prefer the old zoom back. Currently snipers are equipped with the zoom you'd get by zooming in twice with the Venom we had in MicroVolts Surge. Personal preference obviously, but from what I've heard most people would like the zoom reverted to what it's been for 10+ years. - Bounces: Grenades and Bazookas currently make players bounce like crazy when hit. While being airborn / bounced up one is unable to move their character. Therefor having this time increased to what we're used to is a horrendous and quite stressful situation. Not being able to use half of your inputs for that long is truely tilting and doesn't allow much counterplay. Masangsoft.. please fix ๐Ÿ˜‰ - Shotguns: Shotguns are currently completely busted and do way too much damage. - Speed: It's currently possible to go insane speed by upgrading the Mad Wrench on Speed. This speed is way beyond anything we've have ever seen (besides 3rd party programs) and should be nerfed. - Bazooka Damage: Some Bazookas like the Electro Magnetic Disruptor are currently able to two shot an opponent. There is very little counterplay to highspeed Bazookas so they should atleast not be as powerful as they are currently. - Different Servers: Obviously this game has a very wide spread community.. from brazil to europe, asia, north america and even africa... this game has made it's way across the globe (Never seen an oceanic player. Sorry, if I'm leaving you out). Therefor we'd definetly need servers for multiple regions and possibly a restriction for the future ranked mode. As high ms has caused quite some trouble in past events, tournaments and clan wars. I'm sure Masangsoft is already aware of that and is going to give us a variety of servers to play on. But for the closed beta a singular server is definetly enough for now. - Upgrade System: Weapons should be upgradable more then once. In MicroVolts we started with 5 upgrades and when MicroVolts Surge came out we had the opportunity to level our weapons to lvl 9. A change in the system isn't necessarilly needed yet I'd be open for it. There definetly needs to be more then a singular upgrade though. In the past we were able to choose 1 stat to upgrade our weapon on and go to level 9 leveling that singular stat. I'd suggest being able to choose a different upgrade whenever you level the weapon so the variety of differently upgraded weapon creates an opportunity for everyone to build their perfect inventory. Others - Tournaments would be a nice addition in the future of the game (once it's in a balanced state) as people are eager to test and prove their skills to each other. - Keep communicating with us. Tell us what you're doing and what we can do as a community to help. There is definetly tons of people willing to go an extra step to make this game great again. Besides all these points I'm highly thankful for the game finally getting the attention it deserves. Please do not mess it up!