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Everything posted by Timorisu

  1. I liked it. The snipes were satisfying and I liked the pop of color. A for a first montage.
  2. Davi, you have it the wrong way around. Currently playing FFA or Elimination is definitely the fastest way to gain experience, besides farming of course. I can spend close to half an hour in a CTB lobby and gain around 1500 EXP, whereas 30 minutes of playtime in different FFA/Elim matches would net me much more. There is currently a real disadvantage EXP-wise to playing modes that naturally have a longer runtime. CTB and Zombie seem to be the biggest outliers.
  3. I like all of the QoL changes a lot. They tackle exactle what I've felt is a very dated part of the UI & UX. Also looking forward to receiving the missing milestones I am still missing. That being said, the "removal" of using F4 to quickly dip on a lobby is sad lol
  4. Yeah but this one is literally impossible lol
  5. What I didn't know that was a requirement! In that case I have to sub to some people
  6. It's a known issue that sometimes your membership gets temporarily revoked. You can see in your first screenshot that you don't have "MAX" energy and the Member icon is silver. The easiest fix is to click on the Member icon. This is also shown in your second screenshot, where the Member icon is gold again and you have "MAX" energy. If that doesn't work a quick relog will fix the issue as well.
  7. Honestly one of the best MV videos I have ever seen
  8. All I learned from this thread was to continue playing full tank because it gives me a survivability advantage and makes people mad. Win-Win.
  9. Please read again. They have responded and not reinstantiated the items. Your point is off-topic.
  10. 95โ‚ฌ. I bought all the bundles up to the 50โ‚ฌ bundle including membership for the double charge. This has netted me: 3x parts from Elegant Pandora 3x parts from Dark Summoner for Naomi 3x School Hair for Naomi/Sophitia 1x sword-looking Bazooka (dunno what it's called) Tech Wear Special for Naomi (let's be real the RT funded the MP for this one) Still have 1k RT left over and getting the 2k RT from the social media event soon, leaving me with 3k RT in total. I will save those 3k for some absolute bangers though - buying RT without double charge seems absolutely not worth it to me. And even then I'd be more inclined to buy stuff from the shop than gamble it - it felt really bad not getting the parts I wanted for the majority of my money. I'm kind of over the gacha system for visual cosmetics only and feel not very inclined to gamble more due to having a cool looking full set including accessoiries for Naomi now.
  11. More customization options coupled with MP match rewards. That's really it. At the moment I only log in when I feel like playing for the sake of playing since I have very little to grind towards. At most there is an accessory I still want to buy for 9600 MP but being at 1000 MP currently makes it rather demotivating with only getting MP through leveling.
  12. That would be horrible. In that case you wouldn't be able to kick hackers from the lobby because who wants to spend 10k MP on a kick? In this economy?
  13. I just wish they'd implement the fallback mechanism MVS had. When spinning you filled a meter, and when that meter is filled you get a bonus capsule with increased odds. Would really make the business model seem less predatory.
  14. Oh yeah let's collaborate with someone illegally using this game's IP, what a marvelous idea.
  15. Players do not drop health/ammo after dying anymore. The static resources are all there is, even in TDM/CTB.
  16. Dude I still have an old clip on my YT of some editing testing I named after you for whatever reason
  17. Timorisu, then Aeleus, then xTimorisu after namechange regrets lol. I wish I had nostalgia to dig up but my old HDD is completely dead so I have absolutely no screenshots left over ๐Ÿ˜ž
  18. Hi Leo, thanks for becoming more active in the forum during the beta period. The increased communication is very nice to see. I think it's very obvious that you guys want to bring back MV and make it more accessible to a larger playerbase and turn it into a business model with more longevity than the previous P2W iteration we have experienced in the past. From a business perspective that is more than understandable and I am not here to make judgement of this or the long waiting time - we do not know what the allocation of developers inside of Masangsoft looks like and I know by experience that resources inside a company can vary strongly. Disclaimer: I sadly do not have Beta access, I am speaking from videos and streams I have seen of the game. What I would like to know a bit more about is how exactly you are planning to balance the game - not just for new players but also for existing players who have years of knowledge. Evidently the high skill cap, which is a direct result of the unique swapping mechanic, is something that has put off a lot of new players even during the original release of the game. To me it seems like there's some experimental changes to some equipment in the beta, like the changes to the behaviour of the Driver, a general increase in fire rate for some weapons, or being able to split stat boosts when upgrading items; all of these changes to me seem like attempts at alleviating the skill gap. Reactions to these changes have been mixed for several reasons and a lot of people are hoping these will undergo some balance/design iterations. How exactly do you have these balance/design iterations planned for the current beta, if at all? Will there be some overhauls in future phases of the beta process, or will it be more or less of a smooth process with rolling updates during whatever beta period is currently active? Also, how exactly will you be measuring the community's reaction to these changes and making an assessment on whether or not a specific change is beneficial or detrimental to the game? I am just asking since you have stated that you are kind of trying to figure out the game yourselves and the developer's ideas of what is balanced/fun should not strive too far from the community's ideas, in order to retain older players and make sure MVR is off to a great start. Thanks for reading!