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Everything posted by Boryte

  1. Bomb battle is kinda shit ngl. It'd be better if you changed teams in the middle of the game
  2. Actually, I'd prefer even more modern UI. Similar to other games like Valorant. The old UI won't attract a larger playerbase. Especially new players.
  3. Well in the future if the game scales up and becomes more popular the Masangsoft team might get high enough budget to actually implement EAC or BattleEye AC. This would be great since they're kernel based anti-cheats and not THAT easy to bypass. Only the very skilled hackers would be able to bypass it and with an active moderating community cheaters would be rare. Also the HWID bans similar to what Valorant has is also a good idea. There's not a lot of spoofers out there which can easily bypass Valorant HWID ban unless you pay some money it's gonna corrupt your serials.
  4. I appreciate the feedback. At the time of writing this thread I wasn't actually part of the closed beta and I've made statements based on the Twitch streams. Since I'm in the beta now, I can definitely change some of my statements related to snipers. I think snipers are quite optimized and I like the system that when you upgrade the sniper on power you lose reload speed and zoom speed and vice versa. I like the idea. Although one thing I'd definitely remove is the RNG system. From all weapons. You don't want to have a weapon that does a randomized damage in a certain range. It's not constant and can lead to luck instead of skill. Same with explosives, although I'd definitely nerf them a bit as I said before. Limit the amount and nerf them. I'd also have to say that although I like the changes related to speed and tank I think they're too op. I'm unsure if better choice would be too remove them or drastically nerf them. Currently if you upgrade speed on both weapon and armor you become too fast. Literally. Also I hope by membership u mean Battlepass. It'd be amazing to have battlepass-ish system in MicroVolts.
  5. Sure, after the game opens. Currently the game is in closed beta and only available for people testing the game and finding bugs etc
  6. I like the current sniper system and also this system is very good for attracting new players. Not every weapon needs to be reworked. I personally like the new weapon system in place.
  7. Hey everyone, so in this post I will be briefly explaining my personal opinions on what could make the game overall better without destroying the core integrity of the feeling of the game. Before I start and write my suggestions I'd politely ask you to tell me if I missed anything or if you have any other suggestions on top of mine or even if you disagree with any of my suggestions. I want this post to be official post for MicroVolts Devs, so they can have everything on one place. Cosmetics, accessories, parts, sets and weapons should only have visual advantage. So I think this is pretty self explanatory. In the current game I think even in the current state HP bonus, speed bonus and ofc Bullet/rocket bonus should be removed from the game. The parts and sets should only give players visual advantage. Everyone should have the same odds of wining and not being saved by tank or ridiculous fast character. Same should be followed for weapons. There shouldn't be any difference between MP/RT/Coupon/Capsule. The game should follow the steps of larger games like Valorant where developers made players buy skins because of how good they look/sound. So investing in design of new weapons/sets and sound effects is much more important than overpowered weapons. Battle Pass. I think this is self explanatory. Every Free to play game that follow non P2W standard should have a battle pass. End of story. It helps the community by unlocking new stuff even as a free player. And it helps the game developers earn money to invest more into the game. Voice Chat system in Ranked and certain Unranked gamemodes. Voice chat system is crucial for a good competitive environment. I think it should be added for specific gamemodes like Ranked (obviously) and elimination, bomb battle, clan wars, etc. I think voice chat shouldn't be added to gamemodes like team deathmatch, capture the battery, ffa, etc. There should be variety of different options for voice chat including options to quickly mute toxic players and report them. Buff Sniper Rifles. Sniper rifles should zoom in quicker, allowing for nice quick scopes. Nerf and limit explosives. They don't require much skill but are crucial to keep the game with the same MicroVolts feeling. Lowering the amount of rockets/explosives per reload is one idea. But improve their power, speed and blast radius so they follow the realistic approach. Why have 3 rockets per reload in a bazooka? That makes no sense and it's very over powered. 1-2 bullets is more than plenty. Same for grenade launcher.
  8. I think you are overexaggerating. Easy-AntiCheat is definitely not perfect, far from it but it definitely works and detects vast majority of free cheats and most paid ones. Ofc bypasses exist, but that's why it's crucial to have active moderating community as well that will help control the competitive integrity of the game.
  9. Although that'd be nice I disagree. I think a lot more people would try to boost/cheat/etc and destroy competitive integrity in the process if they decide to give certain rewards for ranked ranks. I think battlepass would be a much better option, where players can get certain cosmetics mostly based on their playtime. Also competitive people will be competitive either way. U don't play ranked to win rewards, u play competitive because u wanna be the best or at least show your skills. That's how it is in Valorant, CS:GO and most other competitive games.
  10. Hello everyone, so I'm aware the game didn't even open yet. But I know y'all remember the cheating problem MicroVolts had back in the day. If the game will really have competitive ranked system then it's very important that cheating is reduced as much as possible. The previous anti-cheat of MicroVolts (xigncode3) didn't do this. It was extremely easy to bypass. I think the admins of MicroVolts should really look into integrating an anti-cheat system into the game. Now it doesn't need to be on the level of Vanguard from Valorant. Since I'm aware Riot is a multi-billion dollar company. But there are decent anti-cheat systems out there that'd help eliminate cheaters quite a bit. One of the ideas is EAC, which is also a kernel anti-cheat and they offer integration to online games. Other idea is having a simple server-sided anti-cheat to take care of blatant cheaters. Since MicroVolts is made in gamebryo and gamebryo is made of C++ that is definitely possible. C++ has a good potential for prediction based anti-cheats. I think even valorant has simple server-side anticheat alongside Vanguard. To stop spinbotters, speed/fly hackers etc. Everything that's extremely blatant. I'd be down to help with this if any of the admins of MicroVolts is interested!
  11. Ik this is unethical but the owner of ToyHeroes (El-mo) did the same back in the when real MicroVolts was dying to advertise ToyHeroes. He was DDoSing the servers and abusing GM tool to spread announcements about ToyHeroes. Now if we (as a community), we could take the justice in our own hands and do the same. We could DDoS the servers and force existing playerbase to move to the real game (MicroVolts). Ultimately, we could hack into GameMaster account (which someone already did in the past) and use that feature to abuse announcement system. I'm aware this is extremely unethical. But I believe even that would be better than have seperated communities. I think that's the worst what can happen to the game.
  12. So this is the post about ToyHeroes Online. For everyone not aware, it's a private server based on game files of previous MicroVolts game and yes it's illegal. The company that hosts the "game" doesn't even exist. I'm curious what will Masangsoft do about it? Will ToyHeroes finally shutdown? It'd be a shame to have seperated communities now when the official game finally released.