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  1. It's literally just a beta not even the finished game, which will probably not be finished by the end of the year
  2. I actually spent some money on it actually 😅 but like $30 max
  3. They could sue or write them a letter but I think ToyHeroes will only die if this reboot is a failure
  4. Definitely Pandora or Kai, I always thought Knox felt ''heavy'' and was easy to hit
  5. all that money wasted from the toyhero accounts too
  6. My friend used to play and he told us about it. I then decided to try it myself (around 2012-2013) and was hooked ever since.
  7. Even though they're removing p2w, I hate the idea of all weapons being the same damage or whatever so I hope they don't do that.
  8. Hey guys, for anyone have troubles with applying for the closed beta, you may sign in with steam but you may not see the ''apply now'' button. To fix this, simply go into your browser settings and zoom out on the page and the options should show up! Hope this helps guys.