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Everything posted by Braga11

  1. Why join a beta do play CSD?
  2. Back for day 2: 1 - Boost a little the damage in rifles and lower the fire rate ------------------ 12 - Elimination now starts with a voice saying "Sabotage" instead of "Elimination, Let's do it!" - Dont know if its itentional
  3. Hope im not going crazy overthinking and that the beta will have phases and this one is just Phase 0
  4. Agree with everything besides point 3. When they said skills they talked about some system that got implemented back when the game was dying so RH could make more money before shutdown. At the same time your point makes sence since the firing rate in everything is broken...
  5. Last Update for day 1 3 - Snipers still strong in close combat, lowering the zoom speed and reload speed might be a good idea. Still think that a sniper should be able to one shoot someone. 4 - Firing Rate is broken and needs a fix. I will use Espionage S was a example, you dont need to swap or anything, run in front and click mouse 1, if you are close you hit 2 shoots in 2seg and they are dead. And you can shoot 1 bullet every 1 sec. ------------------------- 8 - Upgrade system in parts and acces need to leave, becoming a 2600 tank or a faisca mcqueen doesn't look right. 9 - Some Melees upgrades in Movement Speed are to mutch broken. 10 - TDM and CTB have some random spawns where you spawn in the middle of your base, making it a horrible spawn in maps like House Top. Use the Elimination system and its good to go! 11 - Chat goes to fast and we cant scrool it ingame. Make it possible to scrool the chat ingame and a little bit slower. For me its all for today, hope i can edit my main post and put everything right there. I would like to propose a vote for that, its true, its my own openion but at the same time there's nothing for them in the game right now, even the old one had nothing. It would be good if they worked more in the chars and use the chars for a theme update in the future.
  6. Now that i have played more, you are complety right! Sniper still op, they nerfed the scoope but still good in close combat. I still think that a sniper should 1 shoot, maybe they need to nerf the reload and zoom speed. A hunter 7137G right now have 2320Power - 5 Firing Rate - 850 Zoom Speed - 695 Reload. Maybe if they go like 300~600 Zoom Speed and 200~300 Reload like a real sniper. Also @Microvolts, i would like to have perms to edit my post, is it a bug that i cant edit my main post?
  7. I think Fire rate in general helps new players ( expect in that rifles ), but ofc it still have a lot of room for improvement!
  8. They already nerfed the quickscope by changing the scoope speed, never died to that in the 2h of gameplay i had, will see in the next days and hours. I agre that a sniper should not be pulled in a close fight, but at the same time, a sniper that doesn't one shot someone isn't a sniper
  9. Hello everyone, i will post all my feedback from the beta here and will keep it updated everyday until day 7. 1 - Rifles are to broken, need a change in the Firing rate 2 - Default +320HP and 8% speed makes no sense and completaly destroy the sniper gameplay. 3 - Like posted in number 2, snipers lost its propose since we can't one shoot someone now, make default 2000hp or give more power to the sniper. 4 - Global Firing rate in all weaponds can be a little slower, but if it keeps the way it is now that is fine for me. ( expect for rifles ) 5 - Random Japonese voice mid round, if its a Europe version its important that the voice is in english. For the gameplay this is what i feel that needs tho change the most. 6 - Microvolts have 20 maps, remove some maps and rework them for future updates, make a pool and let the community decide what needs to leave. 7 - Following the same principle, remove Sharkill, Simon, Amelia and shophia, rework them and add them in future updates, or remove them forever, no one likes them. I dont know if the weaponds right now are just for test, if not, makes no sense a basic being better than a RT or capsula weapond, make basic the worst weapond, give RT weaponds a litte boost, same for capsules one. The boosts doesn't need to be in pure status, a MP rifle should have 30/60 ammo, make a shop RT weapond have 35/60 ammo, a Bronze one 32/65 - Silver 35/65 - Gold 37/70. RT and capsule weaponds should not have the same status was MP weaponds, only if you go by the cosmetic side, then make everything all the same. Like i sayed above, i will update this post regularly and say when i have updated it.
  10. I dont know anything about programing but if someone does it, he is the real mvp. Even better if he can get acess to is personal information!
  11. So, lets say im the owner of TH, you know my nickname, what more do you know about me? I use a VPN, the website is not in my private domain (not even close) and the servers are probably paid from a paypal owned by a random guy from nowhere, after you have this information, what are you going to sue? TH is not a company is just randoms guys who bought a server and put Microvolts data in it. Masangsoft do have the right to the game, but who will they sue? Will they sue the owner Braga11 (im from Portugal) that is located in Australia? Or going to sue the company Toy Heroes a "ghost" company located in Brazil ? Suing cost a lot of money and time, the best they can do is put ToyHeroes website down because they are using their game for their own purpose, even then, TH can just pick up the data and do the same thing again...
  12. The problem is that they cant sue what doesnt exist, if not, why did microvolts never did anything against all the attacks from their staff? Hope it dies but at the same time it starts dying their staff will just do the same they did to advertise TH during the final mounths of MV, its a cycle, lets hope MVS have a better response for this kind of abusses
  13. That doesn't change the fact that they can harm Microvolts Recharged just by doing the same thing they did before MVS close. That is what scares me more, now that TH money will be threated they will try to do anything to steal more players and make this game go wrong.
  14. Dont know if you guys are paying attention, ToyHeroes staff is keeping a close eye in this forum and steeling everyone ideias to emplement in TH. So sad the despair to maintain their player base by doing what they do best, steal.
  15. Few days ago i had a idea for a new Boss Battle. Microvolts have a trailer where a human goes crazy because the figures are coming to life, imagine we have to fight the human to escape to the Micro world
  16. The only people who is here right now are the ones who played Microvolts before, the devs didn't anounce anything anywhere except in this Forum, so the probability of new players joining the beta are really small.
  17. I dont know if you guys ever played a game called Albion Online, that game was no competitive sceane and will never have but the devs had a great idea and boosted the views (and twitch rank) by implementing a twitch drop every weekend for the players. Basically a content creator gets payed by Albion to stream and the viewers get drops by the amount of time they see the stream ( the max amount of time is 24H for full drops ). Its a nice way to improve the audience, because if we get like a 10k players base and everyone go see a twitch from hammy (just a exemple) he will improve Microvolts rankigns in twitch and new players will come. About the gameplay, i personally like the way the game is played, i just think that people who never saw Microvolts will think its a boring game. Maybe if the meta have changes and stuff like that, but honestly i hope my point of view gets proven wrong and the game gets a lot of sucess.
  18. What makes a competitive sceane is audience and Microvolts never had that, maybe now they can try it but i doubt since the Tournaments are in elimination style and its pretty boring see a 5v5 where everyone stays hiding during 1min w8ing for the radar to spawn.
  19. Almost 4K and no publicity, the potential...