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Everything posted by DURATESTON

  1. I didn't find this option in the game ๐Ÿ˜ž
  2. I am an old player of Microvolts. I stopped playing in 2015 and now i need to practice because you can not play a match(Free for all, play team deathmatch...) and don't die 30 times... i need to lear swap... buut how i will practice this mechanic if we don't have a training room?.. You just can create and start de room if you have 2 players in the room if possible i suggest change this system where i need to 2 players in the room for start a match... and change for 1 player. If someone need another ideia for me practice this swap, I'm grateful.
  3. The company masangsoft will do something, if ToyHeroes Online is ''stealing'' a lot of players... (Just a exemple), but the ToyHeroes Online day by day the game it's getting bad.... Masangsoft have all right reserved of game, so if they want... they can haha
  4. How many players have a chance for play Beta test?
  5. Not is impossible, but the good part of this changes is PW2, they're removing PW2 aspects of the game. But if they are motivated to improve the game with create new skins, improve graphics, create new maps, create new mods and entertain ever the players, the game possibility to down is low. And now they put a ranked mode ! I think you just take people witch your level , right? The game is a company, if you don't investing, you will see the same situation... fail
  6. Me too !! I have started playing this game with 12 years old, and see the game with a new changes and came back its so increlible
  7. Hi guys ! I am Brazillian Player ๐Ÿ˜€ it's anyone brazilian? haha I am so excited to came back play this game, i remember when i start play the microvolts in 2011... good moments ๐Ÿฅฒ But i have a question, about the server country... The server can interfere with my ping depending on which country is. Organizers think of something to make the ping better? Because I really want to play the game. I hope you understand me, my english is not good ๐Ÿฅด