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  1. Yesterday
  2. "We've migrated from Toy Heroes to MVR, and a part of us still gives them the opportunity to trust their system and the game (not traditional, by the way). As much as we try to play and stay in the game, they do nothing to make it work in optimal conditions. The servers are not working, the rooms are constantly bugged and not to mention how the screen freezes every 5 minutes. We bet that this will continue to work, but they do nothing more than offer us a game full of bugs, in addition to a new system accepted by few, the few of us, no longer tolerate the state in which the game works." Reformatted so scrolling isn't required, especially for mobile users.
  3. im just better then him at the game and he's upset about it
  4. What did u do to him? 💀💀💀
  5. I think he's romanian....but idk
  6. Judging by the "hhhhhh" laugh i can only assume that he is arab. I think he has less total playtime than sending people messages.
  7. Hello, I would like to make a complaint, the game expels me for no reason, I need you to fix that, it is annoying that they expel me every moment in the game, it is already boring.
  8. Last week
  9. We've migrated from Toy Heroes to MVR, and a part of us still gives them the opportunity to trust their system and the game (not traditional, by the way). As much as we try to play and stay in the game, they do nothing to make it work in optimal conditions. The servers are not working, the rooms are constantly bugged and not to mention how the screen freezes every 5 minutes. We bet that this will continue to work, but they do nothing more than offer us a game full of bugs, in addition to a new system accepted by few, the few of us, no longer tolerate the state in which the game works.
  10. Now i know this kid muted.....but still wanna share this pure comedy (i got about 15 mails in about 30mins from him) there are way more pics but im too lazy to take screen of them all staff wont do nothing prbly but wanted to share for the laughs and giggles
  11. Rafaelo


    Now i know this kid muted.....but still wanna share this pure comedy (i got about 15 mails in about 30mins from him) there are way more pics but im too lazy to take screen of them all staff wont do nothing prbly but wanted to share for the laughs and giggles
  12. Another same Login challenge with only new Stand.jpg Another only RT sets update that vet' players have already seen 😞 Still... - No match MP (?👀) - No new map - No new/boss mode - No trade - No actual event & activity with rewards - No MP/Shop update (👀) - No innovation & creativity = No Players ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUT WAIT!! 🙌 THIS TIME THEY ADD... ✨MORE FREE RT TO EARN✨(Temporarily) AND... ✨MP CHEST PER GAME✨(Temporarily) 👃
  13. Sadly with the actual direction the company has taken, it's obvious that they don't care not even in the slightest.
  14. I was happy to see that after so many years MVs is back and running but sadly i was greeted with a strange weapons system... all weapons are almost the same( its not something as major problem we can def get used to it) in every game there are manyy lag spikes while sm1 joins or at the start of the game it lags so much that you may crash multpole times. DeVs must certainly focus on those aspects of the game rather than making 100 $ costumes . Game stability and smooth gameplay will attract more people but for now it almost 50% unplayable due to crashes.
  15. for me it usually only crashes if i try to play on the Hobby Shop map, its a cursed map 😨
  16. Made an account just so I can say that WORKS. (i9 13900k with DDR4 ram in my case)
  17. I had to uninstall and reinstall the game for it to stop crashing.
  18. Event New SEASON CAPSULE Package - Warm Spring SEASON package - New GENERAL package ※ BASEBALL SEASON Special RT Capsule sale will end on 2024-04-30 06:00 (in UTC Standard) LOGIN CHALLENGE - BEFORE : Baseball LOGIN CHALLENGE - NEW : Warm Spring - From : 2024-05-01 00:00 (in UTC Standard) Update NEW MP Costumes are coming into Shop - You can find the items being added on a separate announcement League UI will be added to the lobby - The opening of the League system will be announced in the future
  19. Hi everyone, We would like to inform you that we have server maintenance. [Date] April 30 06:00 UTC [Downtime] April 29 22:00 - 00:00 PST April 30 01:00 - 03:00 EST April 30 07:00 - 09:00 CET April 30 15:00 - 17:00 JST [Duration] Approximately 2 hours [Purpose] Server stabilization Applying patch files Please note that the maintenance duration is subject to change without prior notice. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
  20. [Fluttering Flowers! WARM SPRING LOGIN CHALLENGE] ✨Event Duration : May 1 - May 31 Join in our Warm Spring LOGIN CHALLENGE from May 1st to May 31st! Grab four Warm Spring Stands by reaching a 7 / 14 / 19 / 24 day streak! This is your last chance to collect unique rewards just by logging in during the event period! ✔ Please Note that 1. Event rewards will be given only once per account. 2. Event details are subject to change without prior notice.
  21. [Play Ball! BASEBALL SEASON SPECIAL RT CAPSULE!] ✨Event Duration : After maintenance on Apr 30 - Before Maintenance on May 28 Special Spring costumes and Weapon A treat you can only enjoy during the event period! ✔ Please Note that 1. Event details are subject to change without prior notice.
  22. I have this once per update. After i crash several times it never happens again untill the next update. It sux
  23. I have been trying to play for 20 minutes and I keep getting crash after crash, this is impossible to grasp, it's absolutely impossible for me to understand how a game that takes 100$ for a skin crashes 4 times/ minute.
  24. Earlier
  25. CASUAL TPS 『MICROVOLTS : Recharged』 Battle with your own figure! Hello players, This is MVR Team. Check out for the new costumes coming into MP SHOP!
  26. Made the quick money only to let the game die real quick afterwards. No ideas. Only RT updates. Nothing new. Could've all just went on with ToyHeroes instead. For my own sanity, MicroVolts died years ago and it never returned. I haven't seen this, so I can remain a solid picture in my head of nostalgia.
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