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My ideas for Microvolts Recharged, as a SGSB (Stanford Graduate School of Business) graduate.


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On finance:

The strategy for monetizing Microvolts involves implementing a comprehensive ecosystem that leverages the freemium business model. The game itself is offered for free, but players have the option to purchase Rock Tokens, an in-game currency, which can be used to acquire virtual items, such as weapons, skins, and other enhancements.

To optimize revenue, we will leverage the principles of price elasticity of demand and price discrimination. We will offer tiered pricing for Rock Tokens, with discounts for larger purchases. This pricing strategy is based on the concept of price elasticity of demand, which suggests that lower prices will generate higher sales volume, while higher prices will generate more revenue per transaction. By offering a discount for larger purchases, we will also engage in price discrimination, catering to players who are willing to spend more money on the game.

Furthermore, to increase retention, we will establish a loyalty program that rewards frequent players with exclusive virtual items, access to new content before it is released to the public, and other perks. This will create a sense of exclusivity and incentivize players to continue playing the game, thereby increasing the lifetime value of the player.

In addition to the game itself, we will also develop a comprehensive merchandise line that includes both physical and digital goods, such as t-shirts, posters, and other accessories. The merchandise will be designed with the game's theme and characters in mind, creating a sense of identity and loyalty among fans. This will also serve as a way to diversify revenue streams and mitigate any potential risks associated with overreliance on a single product.

To increase engagement and create a sense of urgency, we will also implement time-limited events and sales, offering exclusive virtual items and discounts for a limited time period. This will create a sense of scarcity and encourage players to take action, leading to higher conversions.

Finally, we will leverage social media and influencer marketing to promote the game and its related merchandise. By identifying and collaborating with prominent influencers in the gaming community, we will provide them with exclusive access to new content and merchandise, encouraging them to promote the game to their followers. This will increase brand awareness, drive traffic to the game, and ultimately lead to increased revenue.

In summary, by leveraging the freemium business model, implementing price elasticity of demand and price discrimination, establishing a loyalty program, diversifying revenue streams, and leveraging social media and influencer marketing, we will create a comprehensive ecosystem around Microvolts. This will not only generate revenue from the sale of Rock Tokens but also from merchandise sales, loyalty programs, events, and influencer marketing. These strategies will enable us to create a sustainable and profitable business model around the game, ultimately maximizing shareholder value.

Edited by Wolf
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Sounds good to me , this will also produce publicity to the game to attract players , but im a little bit confused by the phrasing
Is this post coming from somebody thats on the dev team or is it just a cool idea of increasing the financial benefits coming from a "fan" ? 

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