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Verified Issues/Bugs


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I know a lot of people were asking about them having a page of bugs that they know about and are working on. I originally couldn't find it but noticed they do have it on their stream page but unsure if there is anywhere else that currently has it. The list here is the most up to date with what they have verified and are trying to fix/are aware of. I may update it as it continues to be updated if people wish. I just know some were asking for this so here it is.

  • Rewards are not given for a specific range of 10 levels
    - Lv. 20, 40, 60, 80, 100


  • Chatting System
    - The game shuts down immediately when entering Arabic text


  • Client Connection Instability
    - Inaccurate server population density is displayed intermittently
    - Due to server max capacity, there is a disconnection issue when entering Europe 1 channel


  • Bottom Tuning Issues
    - Game connection lost occurred by tuning entire bottom parts
    - Bottom tuning is currently activated, but is planned to be removed


  • Unpaid Tutorial Achievement Rewards
    - Playing any mode for 3 times
    - Unable to progress the achievement for hitting the player with swapping techniques


  • Replay System
    - Some players' match histories are not displayed
    - A different map is shown when playing a replay with random map selection


  • Coupon System
    - Intermittent issue with "the wrong approach" error message appears
    - This error could be temporarily resolved by re-entering the game


 I hope this helps some of you out that are desperately trying to look for what they know. Of course, I know some will have more to say about stuff like this. I am more or less just the messenger of showing you what they have currently. May update in the future depending.

Edited by Scarecity
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4 minutes ago, zyrus said:

They said in Steam: its fixed - but i still havent got mine reward lool

We can only hope that we end up getting all our rewards at some point soon preferably.

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I'm gonna post more bugs so they can look into these:

Other Achievement Bug(s):

-Some achievements if you try to claim them you disconnect/crash.

Membership Display Bug:

-Every once a while the membership icon shows grey instead of gold (if you bought it).

Character Issue(s):


-Simon doesn't get any single benefits of his own set when you upgrade it.

And finally... Fix Resolutions... It's very pixelated on stretched fullscreens....


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