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Everything posted by BlackMoon

  1. Example here the part has +320 hp but i still have that even without it, but when i equip something that only gives +40 i now have 2200 and if i equip another +40 i end up with 2080 hp it doesn't look right to me.
  2. But if you equip the +160 hp part it stays the same, is that intentional? Because to me that makes no sense.
  3. I also think that making parts/accessories have an upgrade makes absolute no sense + even if you don't have the parts equipped it still gives you the extra hp, and the fact that rt weapons have worse stats than default ones is not a way to balance the game, it just makes people not want to waste rt on them at all.
  4. What are you talking about? The people that are playing zombie mode were checking for bugs on every single map for hours, and your complaining about them and not the sweaty tryhards that are playing elimination/ffa/ctb.
  5. Don't know if everybody has noticed this but, as an example you get +320 hp from parts like naomi top and leggings, but even when u start the tutorial u have 2320 hp, that means the game thinks you already have those parts equipped, and when i take them off after it still says i have the same amount.
  6. When i jump onto the banana in beach map with the help of someone, the map looks like this. I also dissapear from my pov.
  7. I opened the shop and the scroll bar seems a bit off.
  8. Mine just says "0", and when i check other people it's the same "0"
  9. 6 AM for the keys and the beta starts at 8 AM.
  10. ToyHeroes is still up and running, also getting updates from time to time, but it will probably die/close when they fully release Microvolts Recharged.
  11. I still watch his ffa videos, full of action, brings back memories.
  12. Yeah zombie mode was really fun to play.
  13. It's the same Microvolts but now in the hands of a different company.
  14. That would be cool tbh, it would make people just want to play more and more.
  15. I played MV through steam once, hope that counts lmao.
  16. There were times where they had sales, and capsules would cost 500 rt. Also some capsules even were 700. And then ones that were 1500 ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ Edit: i just saw a video of someone spinning for a capsule that costs 248 rt i think that's what he meant
  17. I think he mean't, who likes to play zombie in zombie mode.
  18. I think it's normal if they don't respond after you apply for the beta, their probably just gonna give us the keys the day before or when the beta starts.
  19. That's a fine amount, but there are people that wasted hundreds on that game.
  20. I think it would be cool to see this game get some esports action. I agree that some rounds would be boring if people camp it out, but that also happens in different games like csgo and valorant. But if you go watch some clan wars videos on youtube, their full of action, you could probably just make the game have more rounds like 11 (was the max in MV).