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Everything posted by NinjaFlank

  1. Thanks for this, did not see it, that means beta keys are being sent approx. 19 1/2 hrs from now and beta is officially live 21 1/2 hrs from now.
  2. Neither can I , but you can see it's another addition, they're updating it as we speak, so we're getting closer 🙂
  3. You teasing me you naughty naughty 😉
  4. Thanks guys, looking forward to it 🙂
  5. They can simply restrict access then so that only people in the CBT can post... that still does not make sense...
  6. I don't see why it would be hidden from all? Like do the people that aren't taking part in the CBT not allowed to see the feedback? Doesn't sound right
  7. Did you guys see they have released this and then removed it ? Very weird How will we go about downloading the game, will we get a gift code per say and get to download it from Steam?
  8. The capsule was never 200 rt per spin. I was playing way before the capsule machine was introduced and a long time after. I even got the sea wasp, m135 and Sheriff out of the original capsule machine. The price was always 990rt per spin. Don't spread false info. What are you smoking?
  9. What do you mean "most of us", do you know somebody that did ? XD
  10. is that because it would require extra resources to manage the Discord server? In that case, that would make sense, but I do believe having an official discord server would be pretty good also, but then again it will require twice the effort, updating the website and the discord server.
  11. Lol, makes absolutely 0 sense, is this the first time you've heard of Beta rewards? What would being fair have to do with giving a gift to those who beta tested the game? How is that anyway unfair at all? Their whole comeback is based on no more P2W, not being "fair".
  12. why is it not "vibes for microvolts"? They can create guns/ sets/ parts for the battle pass exclusively, this will give players a reason to grind. And once the battle pass is done with, the guns and parts released from it won't be available anywhere else and will give a nice rarity to the items. The same as the first battle pass that was released in fortnite. It would give me a reason to come back and grind a little every day to get the items I want. I think its a great idea and the devs should really consider it.
  13. Doesn't mean they won't reward people after the fact...
  14. You can always install Windows on the side so that you can play MV.
  15. I'm 100% down for a battle pass, great idea, everybody is doing it. Wouldn't mind paying 10 euros for a Battle pass that would grant me some guns/skins. Another great thing I wish they bring back is the Boss Fight, and I hope they introduce more rewards for beating it, that would be amazing. The game already has a lot of re-playability, eg. The bomb game mode, Team Deathmatch, Arms Race, Zombie Mode. All great repayable modes. Awh man I can't wait to get my hands on this game again..
  16. Here's the oldest screenshot I can find of my MicroVolts account, dated September 2012. This account was later hacked, then I started another which was also hacked. Good memories :))
  17. IMO they should've either reworked or completely removed Sophitia, SIMON, Sharkill Khan and Amelia. They were very rushed characters and no-where near as polished as the original four + Kai. Customisation was very limited and for the likes of Amelia and Simon it feels pretty silly having them in the game purely so that you can use a limited set of weapons only with those two characters. Don't hate on me, just my opinion. But from what I remember when I was still playing Surge, I got all of the characters and it was exciting for a total of 2 minutes before I went back to C.H.I.P or Pandora because they just felt so clunky compared to the original ones.
  18. What are you guys going to do about ToyHeroes? I hated it's existence ever since it came out, and I would like to see them burn! Please tell me something is in the works for this
  19. I have been playing MicroVolts extensively since the first beta release back in 2010. I hope I get a chance to play in this Beta. I am extremely hyped for this !!!
  20. what do you mean MicroVolts recharged community ? Where do you see this ??
  21. We have to give up guys, this has been a complete waste of our time, for almost every single day for the past 2 years I've checked this forum to see if there are any updates. I'm sorry to say guys but unless they are re-vamping the whole game, this including graphics, engine, mechanics, there is absolutely no reason that they should take this long to keep us updated. Or even, release a few teasers here and there, maybe an in game screenshot, shit even seeing the Tutorial would be something ... MicroVolts was the one game I loved playing when I was a kid, I played it hours upon hours every single day from 2010 beta to 2017, spent hundreds of my precious birthday cash I used to get on it, now I'm 22 years old and have been hoping that the game comes back out so I can get a little part of my childhood back, to spin the Capsule machine one more time but unfortunately, sorry to say, but I believe that this game will never ever be re-released. Only way is if they sell it to somebody, I wish I had money to buy this game from Masang and re-release it legally unlike ToyHeroes. I hope you guys understand, we have to just accept it is not coming out. I don't think that the few hundreds of us on this forum are enough motivation for them to really work on the game and really release it again.