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Posts posted by Serphinious

  1. They missed the chance of greating a beginner channel at launch day.. now it's pretty much impossible to include the small amount of beginner that somehow end up here. I can really understand it since I'm new and already lvl 100+ which just feels wrong.. and the game is getting more and more frustrating since there aren't any "chill" rooms to go to.


    Can't really learn the game like the other old people did If you can't play with people on your own level, since the com is so small..


    The graphics and steam page ain't appealing either.. the graphic should have been improved so more people would give it a try.. but why should you try to learn such an old game with those outdated graphics If other games can fill your desire just fine? I can see why the game ain't holding up.. p2w wasn't the only problem.

  2. Hey, it's me once again! Your favorite (and probably only) beginner in this forum! I was thinking about creating some chill mode / weaponrule rotation rooms for a more casual experience in the game(after getting tired of seeing FFA Bitman and that cute printer)..


    Then I realised: the ammo is way too limited considering you only have one weapon available(not really counting the melee since it doesn't deal much damage).. why's that? Some weapon rulesets aren't playable because of that without ammo drops or increased ammo(especially in elimination), which is a shame, because I feel like such rotation rooms with random rulesets would lift some of the pressure ingame.


    Funny thing is, that in the "weapon select mode" weapons have much more ammo than normal.. so I'm pretty confused as to why it's not possible for the other weapon rulesets..


    So.. increase the ammo or make ammo drops in weapon rulesets much more common..


    Have a nice day!

    ~ Serphinious/C.H.I.P (Joey)

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Apogey said:

    Just a couple of examples of him behavior relation to some players, this is just a toxic person who pretends to be "adequate" on the forum not under his nickname, why didn’t he write dozens of insults like he always does privately to people? In reality he insults a lot and tries to kick players often without reason, besides, he also uses glitches in game but for some reason opposes this lol.

    Those screenshots really look bad. Especially the messages via inbox.. some people really are crazy over some video games..

    • Like 1
  4. On 9/18/2023 at 1:26 PM, Vinn said:

    To me, anyone is not getting focal points:

    - Base foundation is not Surge, it is ToyWars 

    - The base, although being a bit more polished wasnt as MVS

    - Having MVS would not bring new air to the game

    - They are giving us something to play with working on issues and so on.

    - working on issues is not easy as it is thought and developments stages require some time to be followed.

    - The game doesnt want to be the Old MV, but a new one (Recharged has a meaning)


    time passed and We should be aware of the fact that the game has to change itself a bit to be competitive.

    I was wondering why I saw that "toywars" in one of the clans emblems.. so that was the jp version? Did they have the other modes as well that the surge version had? 


    Was the translation different in surge as well? Would explain why its so bad.. doesn't make a good expression on "new" people..

  5. Heya! It's me, the stinky newbie. I have another brilliant idea.. I think.


    Since I saw some posts about toxicity and smelly people in game.. how about a silent mode?



    Thanks Mr.VoicesInMyHead..


    It's simple! Silent Mode disables Chat. Not being able to see chat and Chatting yourself.


    It would make it easier to ignore some special people!


    Either being implemented into the options or via chat command

    > silent 0(off)

    > silent 1(hide everything except team chat)

    > silent 2(hide everything)


    What do you think?


    Have a nice day!

    ~ Serphinious (Joey)

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, ReqMort said:

    I just had my 9 year old nephew try MV in a real room and he got overwhelmed by the veterans one-shooting him every time he respawned. Then the AI room was a nice environment for him to get to know the game mechanics without pressure.

    Happy for your nephew. The game really is stressful. I don't really want it to be removed to be honest.. just improved into a better training ground.


    I had in mind extra settings just like what the bots can use.. and you need more maps too.

  7. 26 minutes ago, j0hNESY said:

    Tank makes part of the game for some reason right? This community always were toxic to tank players (and i played speed my entire life and now) and i can't understand why.

    Like mg kills it's super annoying to die against players using MG but it's a part of the game (and again i got 0 kills with mg and will stay like that until my acc die).


    Just chill out with this stupid idea that only noobs use tank.


    (and the comments about the rt.... bro this kids don't work and are saying shit about others that can afford rt. WORK HARD, PLAYHARD)

    I remember my first time playing Melee only some time ago. Being flamed by some streamer for tank.. at that time I didn't know what he was talking about. It felt weird.




    Being able to freely choose your stats and people still hate on it. I don't really know where the problem is..




    (BTW u drop that account If you accidently get one gatling kill? Asking for a friend :^))

  8. 37 minutes ago, Mahiro said:

    hahaha it was a fun video, with those sound effects, I think they work better in bitmap plant and for new players who can train with them it's not bad

    Thanks ^^ It was a quick idea after seeing those bots acting up.


    The thing is they get used to the snail pace they go.. before going into real matches where everyone is going at mach 3 speed

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Volt said:

    If it was improved a bit, it'd be great for newer players. Right now it's just about the most basic AI possible, I find it hilarious that they have crazy stats though like "Natura" I think it is, with his 28% run speed or something lol

    It's weird that the Melee bots are basically using speed hacks while the other bots move like snails.. it should be improved so new people can try out some stuff..

  10. 7 hours ago, Gabi said:

    I use A.I. Battle pretty often to complete my daily/monthly missions and I'm glad it exists... I am more of a melee-only / zombie mode player.

    But I agree. The A.I. mode needs some improvements, while they won't miss a shot, they can't move themselves properly.

    Yeah I figured it's probably the only use for that mode. But it should be more than that.. something that beginners can use to get used to the game and its mechanics.. but aiming for bots that don't even have 100% movement speed isn't gonna cut it.. sadly.

  11. Hey, it's me again. Hope you had a great day so far!


    I just wanted to test the differences between the running speed stats, before I saw this at the beginning of the A.I. match. Sure, it is pretty funny and didn't make sense at all, but something came to my mind: why do we have this mode? Where are the other modes? If you really wanna keep it.. how can you make it better? Because imagine someone new coming here and trying out the game against bots to get a slight feeling without getting stomped: to be honest, I don't know If that mode is necessary.. in this state that is.


    Tell me what you think


    ~ Serphinious (Joey)

    • Like 1
  12. As a new player in this game the leveling feels way too fast.. I know that they want to give out MP through this system but the exp requirement is way too low.. I'm already level 100 but I'm still new and not good at the game, which makes me feel bad and out of place tbh.. they should put up the exp needed and give out MP after matches instead.. would make the grind much more pleasing and level would actually matter.

    (Idea I had is giving out those glows on weapons with specific levels. Maybe even with kill achievements for every single weapon.)


    They should really work on the diversity of the stats.. since even I kinda realised that most use the same types.. maybe give more up and downsides to loadouts so maybe some people find another playstyle to be better for them.


    Another casual thing I thought about is adding the old modes.. + more ammo in single weapon modes. Would make for a fun and casual time in the game..


    Some other thing.. I noticed how hard it is for new people.. they missed the chance of adding a beginner channel on launch. Now it will be pretty difficult to get some people who randomly see the game into it.. It was easier when there was a huge wave of players coming.. now its almost impossible since I can really feel for people that come out of the game with like 4-25(like me ATM. That's why I feel weird being level 100+).


    But hey.. just the opinion of a new guy. Maybe experienced players know it better. ^^

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  13. Hey, me again. I played the game for a short while and since clans were released today, I would be happy to join one that accepts new people into their ranks to have some fun or maybe train.


    I'm german though being able to speak english makes it easier to find a clan(at least I hope so ^^).


    Tell me If you are interested!


    ~ Serphinious (Joey)

  14. Hello everyone! Serph here.

    Hope you have an amazing day so far ^^


    I wanted to talk about a mode that I found fun in other games(especially S4 League) and would be cool to see implemented here: Siege Mode


    It's about 3(or more, depending on the size of the map) bases, which can be captured by one or more players(progress is increased depending on the people inside the base radius).


    If you capture an area, you and your team gain points for capturing the base and your teamscore starts to gain points passively(more bases=more passive points which means more pressure to regain points).


    Additionally: If a point is captured, the base drops some useful items:

    - HP

    - Ammo

    - Additional point icons(which add points to your teams score)

    - Special weapons(like in Zombie Mode)(really limited ammo)


    While a point remains captured(doesn't matter which team) the base spits out some of those items passively(at a slower rate as when being captured).


    The goal of the mode is to aquire a certain total team score. Can be gained as followed:

    - Capturing bases

    - Passive capture points

    - Collecting point icons

    - Kills/Assists


    When a team reaches a certain amount of points(75% of the needed points) Fever Time activates, which decreases respawn time(which normally would be the same as in CTB) and increases the rate as to bases are being captured, which makes for a good end game.


    That is all for now: I want to hear your thoughts about it.


    Have a good one

    ~ Serphinious (Joey)

    • Like 6
  15. Seeing every past mode in Recharged would be really cool.. so you have more variety and perhaps chill/casual matches. They should increase the bullets in weapon rules too.. since its apparently possible in the 3-weapon-ruleset(forgot the name, sorry ^^').


    MP need to be increased so you can grind for some clothes and limited capsules. It's clear that even without stats clothes are still something worth grinding for for most.


    Ranked would be good for the veterans and would probably give some breathing room for new people, that this game desperately needs.

    • Like 1
  16. 6 hours ago, j0hNESY said:

    Hope the community offers you support and a lot of new friends, old mv times were great to make friends for life, at least for me was like that!


    Welcome to our community!

    From what I could gather communication between matches is a bit less than I imagined.. but thanks a lot ❤️
