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Posts posted by uwu

    • Why is the performance in this game so bad? When there's like 4-5 people in a lobby I get the usual 150 fps (should be 4 times more than that, according to the old MV client and the THO client), but when there's 15 others then I get under 60 fps most of the time. How is it running so badly, I don't get it.
    • The game isn't even bloated with unused and large files, it has no HD textures, no HD sounds, no HD and updated NOTHING, just the same assets used back in 2011, what causes this performance drop? Call of Duty Warzone MW3 literally runs in 120 fps on High settings with 149 other people on the same big map, but a 2011 game that ran in 100+ fps on my old 2013 laptop cannot run the game smoothly and properly on the same new hardware that I have currently?
    • Oh, and please implement the Anti-cheat solution you were making a poll for, a few months ago. When you enter a full FFA map, you get like 2 seconds to live before someone snipes you. And it's not just one person, there's many people that seem to hit sniper shots consistently and in the head, even point blank? Ok, I understand if there's 1-2 good people but cmon, the entire lobby has godlike s1mple from Counter Strike reactions?? 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
    • Stop thinking about what overpriced capsules to add in the next "update" and start focusing on doing something against triggerbot users.
  1. i get kicked daily from FFA and TDM lobbies because i use a minigun. that's it. there's literal cheaters sniping from across the map and also from point blank with a perfect aim (because that's what the cheat does) but noone bats an eye, noone wants to ban them. BUT THE MG PLAYERS ARE THE PROBLEM KICK THEM !!11!!11one

    fr, i love minigun in this game and i'll keep using it :)))

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Fxk said:

    Speaking of weapons, a single word. MGs.

    lmao get good and stop whining about gatling guns, i love them and i will keep using them. in what game do you have a minigun available at any time that's also really good and not a 15 round automatic machine gun? you're just bad that i keep sniping you with my MG and you can't do your shitty microvolts montage XDDD

  3. 2 hours ago, Fxk said:

    Speaking of weapons, a single word. MGs.

    lmao get good and stop whining about gatling guns, i love them and i will keep using them. in what game do you have a minigun available at any time that's also really good and not a 15 round automatic machine gun? you're just bad that i keep sniping you with my MG and you can't do your shitty microvolts montage XDDD

    • Like 1


    1. The level system. We already have people reaching 100 not even a day after launch, this messes with pretty much everything.

    2. There is no way of getting MP, CONSISTENTLY, without receiving it as a gift or leveling up (300 per level, 30000 received until lvl 100). In perspective, a spin is 2300 MP, about 7-8 level ups. This is not fair for anyone, not even the people spending money on RT, since they get about 10 or 100 MP on capsules. Basically, until level 100, we can spin for 15 times. If we do not receive MP from matches or something, how else are we meant to get everything in the MP capsule?

    3. Lower resolutions are pixelated af.

    4. Minigun is broken, especially the B variant. Really effective at distance for some reason...

    5. THE FUCKING RT PRICES!!!! Let's take the 20$ bundle for reference, the one with 2154 RT. A name change is 3300 RT, or roughly 33$. In what world do you have to pay 30$ for a name change? Other major multiplayer games let you change your name for 5 or 10$, Paladins, Overwatch. Steam even lets you do it for free. Not worth 33$ for a name change. A RT weapon from the shop is either 800, 2400 or 3200 RT. Please explain to me how are any of these weapons worthy of 8, 24 or 32$? How is this fair for the consumer, considering P2W isn't a thing anymore? What can you really buy with 20$?? People should either be refunded the RT or the prices lowered either at the RT shop or the RT items prices. 

    6. We were promised Ranked, many cosmetics, and many more. What have we gotten? A semi functional game with balancing flaws (on all modes, especially Zombie Mode), absurd prices on both MP and RT shops and capsules and no actual constant way of getting in game currency, MP.

    • Like 4
  5. On 8/30/2023 at 4:04 AM, bruninhoxd said:

    Hi/ Oi


    There may be other language options on discord. I didn't find Brazil.

    Poderia ter outras opções de idioma no discord. Não achei Brasil.


    O jogo vai ser traduzido para outros idiomas? 🇧🇷
    Will the game be translated into other languages? 🇧🇷




    how about you learn english just like the rest of us?

  6. 14 minutes ago, Zissy said:

    I literally grew up in poverty as a kid so yeah allow us to introduce ourselves 

    I didn't, my parents did lots of things to keep us fed and housed, still do it, and they managed to grow 3 kids haha. but we weren't millionaires. I started seriously gaming in 2012 with MV and didn't really put money into games until 2015 with TF2 lmao

    • Like 2
  7. 14 minutes ago, Meat said:

    Unprivileged countries? Really? Go work 70 hours a week. No such country where hard work wont show results.

    It just doesnt exist. 

    Children can also make money. Infact its easier for them because they live rent free with their parents. Work or sell some old toys or whatever.

    If you cannot rise your financial situation or better yet sustain yourself you shouldnt be playing games at all.

    Drink no coffey only drink water. There saved you 150€ a month and cured your caffeine addiction. 

    You get what im saying? You can always make choices and start living minimalistically to prioritize your needs.

    You could get from Rt and rainbow hammers very good weapons. So your argument stops there.



    No such country where hard work wont show results.

    It just doesnt exist. 


    Most of Africa, Asia and European families where they can barely pay bills because of low wages and high rate of so-called slavery: allow us to introduce ourselves


    • Like 4
  8. 18 minutes ago, XXBOBBYSHMURDAXX said:

    Last time I played MV I was underage and broke. Now I have a job and can afford to buy 1kk RT to sadistically 1 shot entire lobbies with my god layout but I can't have that because mouthbreathers want le balance and le competitive integrity and so on.


    You owe it to me. I played this game for way too long and had to be at the receiving end of what I just said and I need to get my revenge.


    Let socioeconomic darwinism do its thing so broke kids are taught that in order to win games they need to grind and have disposable income to splurge on videogames (metaphor for life which is also p2w), because let's be honest every single balance fetishist on this god forsaken forum is underage and poor (no job or responsabilities is why they even post here in the first place), rich adult MEN want this game to become a theatre for reckless spending for inconsequential pixels.


    Real Gs know what I'm talking about.






    hold the fuck up. you unironically have a point. if you have money to spend in a game, you have money to live with.... wtf

    • Like 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Vindication said:


    Are you talking about Ori? I don't mean to for this to be rude in any way, but that was clearly a joke. Maybe it was misleading for a little while but It's not worth losing your trust in the general community over

    for the shits n giggles :)))

  10. 2 hours ago, Tanooki said:


    It wasn't just an isolated case but in general people shouldn't joke about that, I know it was obvious but it's not good in the long run. I'm just saying people should be more careful with what they joke about and say / don't say. I unfortunately didn't trust the community for awhile, but it's not that I dislike people, it just never really helped when alot of the more hostile side started to resurface and I'm sure others would agree that microvolts never had the best community to begin with. (this part has nothing to do with ori or anyone specific, it's just always been this way)

    hey, just trying to keep the hype going 😠

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, OConnor said:

    Leo has stated in his announcement that the release will take place around August, yes, nothing confirmed or guaranteed, still quite the statement though. The funny part lies in how the CBT ends on 6th of August. I just find it quite unrealistic for them to release it in the same month considering they'll have to take feedback once again, review it, and test it within gameplay - unless they plan on speed-running this, lol.


    On the other hand, perhaps they are simply just wanting to see how their latest changes affect gameplay on a minimal scale, considering the feedback since the last CBT and if they're all on the positive sides, maybe they'll be able to release it as said.


    Any thoughts?



    who gives a fuck, we're finally getting in!

  12. 11 minutes ago, Spiffy said:


    Alright Ori, show us the new boss event you've been working on.

    that would be Skywalker from Toy heroes. spoiler, just shout in voice chat "go outside, kiddo" and the boss is defeated

    • Haha 1