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Posts posted by darkree64

  1. People need to stop posting discord servers and bumping it with useless comments Microvolts will provide a faking discord server and if they dont im sure a r/microvolts discord server will pop up. Please for the love of god stop posting your discord servers its confusing the community people aren't going to know what server is what at a point.

  2. I am an Australian and for a long time we have never had servers do you think this will change in Microvolts recharged? i Also want to know if anyone is in remote parts of the world used to have bad ping in Microvolts surge and what servers you want added.

  3. You make a good point Sorel. They could also just do a creator code for example you would have a code and then you would tell people if they are buying RT to use your code to support the channel. In the end though i don't think The microvolts team has that kind of money to spare they are a small team with not a lot of funding.

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  4. This is a very good idea toy hero's online (the illegal copy of microvolts) has a similar system where you earn candy's and hearts to redeem for points and rewards. This would be the best solution. They could also got the extra mile and let you redeem points for cash.

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  5. Yah but the post is about sponsorship. I have already told people in my live streams why i love this game all I'm saying is if the game devs (WANT)to sponsor people with money that it be cool a cool idea. Also tiktok followers are easy to get i have About 90k i started tiktok 4 months ago and im posting content every week YouTube is a lot harder to get followers on if you didn't know.
