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Posts posted by khalo0od100

  1. Hi, 

    I fully agree with everything you said , but we are missing one huge point here: The game doesn't have a future.

    It sounds negative and brutal but this is a fact, they simply don't give a sh*t about our opinion , they take way too much time for updates and most of them are dumb capsule updates... there is no MP gain , no MP shop , not a single incetive to make you play and grind. The player base is already gone and they didn't even flinch about it.

    I had very high hopes but in the end the company and devs are completely useless as you can see. That's very sad, because this games player base is very loyal even if it's toxic and the game itself is very weird because even with outdated graphics it could easily maintain 2-3-4k players online with the over-asked now features and additions.

    • Like 1
  2. " And for those who say that "Oh you just gonna be patient!" Um no? We've been waiting since 2017 and nothing changed! Its still the same game! Like i see no changes, minor changes sure but major? We get none of that. What did we get instead? Some capsule sets..yeah thats it.. I've seen people here hyping the games re-release in the forums and when it did..yeah i could understand the sheer disappointment. " 

    It's not the same game, it's somehow even worse... honestly at this point i prefer Surge over this, atleast we had a decent MP shop with stuff in it, we had MP gains per game , and even decent level icons. Sure, that version of the game is outdated in todays terms but even this one has literally nothing from what they promised - and here i refer to the " ranked mode " they flashed in front of us and didn't bother to mention it ever again since.

    • Like 2
  3. its ok guys , in tomorrows update they are fixing missions, that's the main issue of the game..... i really hope there will be 0 rooms soon in the game so these Devs can finally open their eyes and stop being so damn stubborn and start to fix what really needs to be fixed.

  4. Thank you! This is nothing but facts , i haven't played since the beginning of November because i honestly just can't be asked to play for no reason... sure in the first month or two the simple fact that the game was back was enough but now.. nah.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, MrPieman said:

    Hello everyone!
    Devs if you are seeing this please take notes.
    The new MP capsules are going to be cool don't get me wrong BUT I and many others won't be able to open it because there's no MP to gain per match. Only through levels and challenges but we all know that is not enough. Not many people are spending RT as far as I know and the RT you get through challenges is not going to give you enough MP if you decide to sell what you get with RT.
    To the Devs of the game I say this:

    Put MP gained per match even if it is a 1/3 of the EXP gained per match.

    Completely agree, been bragging about this since launch.

    The gain should be 1/2 of the EXP like it was - ex: 1.000 EXP -> 500 MP.

    Having MP does absolutely nothing wrong in the game, everything is a skin... i don't get why they are so afraid of letting us gain MP.

    • Like 5
  6. 1 hour ago, BioWarz said:

    You do bring up some good points and suggestions


    However, as unfortunate as it is, Masangsoft seems very adamant on never implementing any sort of trade/market system. A year back or so I made one of the first posts inquiring about the trading system - GM Levi responded to me saying that Masangsoft has no plans nor intentions on establishing a trade system or using the Steam Community Market.


    More recently, a member of the forums shared a support ticket they created, asking about a trade system. The support team replied that Masangsoft (directly quoting) is "very unlikely" to implement a trade system due to "MP hacks" which "exploited the trade system". You can find the ticket by going to QN_Khai's post: 'For those wondering about the Exchange System [ in the future ]'

    At this rate i won't be surprised if somebody creates a MP Hack anyway lol , you literally cannot afford anything as there's no mp gain besides those pathetic daily rewards which give you 100 mp...

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Meat said:

    A B C is the very thing that ruins this game. They are just skins and make it boring. Every single item needs to have unique stats.

    Doesnt matter if one is stronger than the other aslong it doesnt cross the line of being broken. 


    Whats the point of A B C if 99% of people use one type in particular because it is broken?

    Can you imagine we went from a shooter with about 300 different weapons/ stats to 1

    It's a joke. Things are boring stats and appearance wise

    i agree with Meat here, they should balance them all out so we can use all types not only one. Its normal for people to choose the one thats broken, that will always happen.

    But i dont get the type A B C they did, it was already a thing before in the old game, we always had one gun with more power , one with more reload speed and one with firing rate - Pocket rocket, Pound , Mimic - for example.

    Yet even though the old game was not balanced people kept using whatever they wanted and could got away with that, here... not so much.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, QN_Khai said:

    Don't say teencode is confusing, let's get to the main topic. Did I say that you are important in the forum? You don't completely understand what I mean and try to write in a confusing way. All my articles are just suggestions, they have the right not to do exactly what I say but just edit a little, don't be stupid like that. I don't understand how gacha works, what the heck are you talking about, I haven't looked at the winning rate carefully Or just sreach gives the same results . Criticizing other people's use of English is not okay, my friend. It's my business how I like to write. If you don't understand, you can comment.

    You can give your thoughts that they are on the right track,
    Did I mention that you are very important in the forum?

    My guy, he was referring to facts, you wrote tons of useless and dumb posts,suggestions or not they are still posts, crying about the double jump - which is in the game since the fist beta - just makes no sense, and later about the RT to the partners.. i mean..
    Maybe we can focus on the important stuff rather than making 200 posts about useless things ? im not saying you don't have the right to post your thoughts but you just called him a negative iq guy when all he did was point out the facts. I'm not sure for how long have you been playing or how old are you , but come on..i saw a lot of pointless posts already , all we do is flood this forum and make these devs read utter useless stuff, if they even read it, but i still have hope they do.

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, Sorel said:

    It's funny how you keep complaining even though u barely get how this game works, yet u are in my dms harrassing me when I barely even have the time to play the game, much less stay on the forum and read your pointless posts and dms.

    Right??? this dude has 318 posts and all of them are without a single thought behind them. I swear in one post he is happy and all and five minutes later he complains 😄

    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Kuraia said:

    Yes i was spending 11k -100euro and i got 1 item Robby the Red Blaster its crazy i stop spending rt its enough.

    not worth to spend anymore money until they drop the childish attitude and start listeninig to us.

    Maybe if everyone stops spending money they will panic and start to listen... or not and just take the money already made and dip 😄 😄

    • Like 2
  11. 9 hours ago, DevsListenToTheCommunity said:

    Hey MasangGames,

    I hope this message finds you well. I've been playing Microvolts for quite some time, and I wanted to share some thoughts and feedback with you.

    First off, I've noticed a shift in the gaming experience that I want to talk about. It feels like the game has become a bit of a challenge for both experienced and new players. The explosive weapons seem a bit too powerful, making it tough for skilled players to enjoy a fair game. Newbies, on the other hand, often find themselves getting wiped out without a fair chance, mainly because there's no matchmaking in place.


    The only reason most of us still log in is for that sweet nostalgia kick. Apart from that, the game seems a bit empty, a tad boring, and not very optimized. Once the nostalgia wears off, it's hard to find a reason to stick around because, honestly, it doesn't seem like much effort is being put into making things better.

    Communication is key, right? But it feels like there's a bit of a gap there. We want to feel heard, but it seems like our feedback isn't really making it to your ears. A bit more interaction with the community could go a long way in making us feel like you care about our experience.


    Let's talk about the game itself. The weapons feel a bit stale, and the level system looks kind of basic. It's missing some classic game modes that we loved from over a decade ago. The shop and capsule prices seem a bit over the top, and the lack of MP after games takes away the motivation to grind. We want real upgrades, more game modes, and something to keep us hooked for longer than just 10 minutes per session.


    Overall, the "new" version of Microvolts feels older and less exciting than the first version (before Surge). It's disheartening to see a game we loved being handled this way. We hope you take a moment to read this and consider the player perspective. We want Microvolts to thrive, not just survive.


    Thanks for your time, and here's to hoping for some positive changes!

    Perfectly summed up, thank you for this!

  12. 6 minutes ago, SweatyGengar said:

    current microvolts is 30-40 people who tryhard on every single game and only play junk and bitmap because they are the 2 smallest maps and they can out snipe u 24/7

    The problem is not the explosives. its the skill cap. you have literally the best of the best playing with new players. so of course new players won't play this. who wants to play a game to go 0/20/0 50 games in a row.

    The game is only "enjoyable" to people who played the original. and even if they are not good the only reason they are playing is because of the memories they have from the og game.

    i agree with the first part, although i have to disagree with the explosives, they are a problem because of the stupidity of the blast radius, its insane imo.

    Also,  i dont really think the game is enjoyable even if you played the old one, i am playing since the first release after the closed beta and i cant be asked to play a room now.. but hey, everyone sees things their own way.

    • Like 1
  13. Hi all, 


    So it looks like we are finally getting the clanwar feature, plus some new capsules, daily login challanges etc.


    But it seems theres still no initiative of adding mp gains per game , new clothing/accessories into the shop as there were before and no ranked system.


    How do you guys feel about this? do you think people will come back now that we have clanwars?

    • Like 2
  14. kind of pointless isn't it ? if they add it they might as well add it for everyone.. i don't see the point of making it unlockable by levels, people don't have patience anymore, this will only annoy people more.


    Look at the state of it right now, there are barely 20-30 rooms , they have to focus on the important stuff which will determine players to come back and play constantly, that won't happen if you have to play 1-2 weeks to buy from the shop lol.


    I don't want to be mean , but as i said before, these ideas are very questionable and spamming the forum doesn't do anything , they are not checking as you might have noticed, but atleast the important topics and posts with plenty of replies stay up there.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 3 hours ago, j0hNESY said:

    We just need now a way to earn MP after match and CW to bring back competition.

    Than focus on other things, like gameplay, and s* like that

    exactly, this is what was needed, dont get me wrong this RT compensation is fine, but everybody wants mp... and the old shop layout.

  16. 17 hours ago, Meat said:

    Nobody is diverse.

    You f2p players ruined everything.

    You removed the choice now you complain for not having enough options.


    bro what on earth are you talking about, how is balancing related to them removing every single part from the shop? lmao

    all he says is that we want the old shop back, with all the accessories and parts, this has nothing to do with the balancing. I saw already that you are triggered because you cannot constantly spamm , but this has literally nothing to do with that.

  17. i dont understand the purpose of this post , it was already said the partners will receive RT , and thats completely fine by me atleast , they are posting / promoting the game - the part where the devs are utter useless it's something else.


    Im sorry but your posts are... without a thought behind them to say it nicely 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  18. On 10/28/2023 at 5:31 PM, Meat said:

    Yeah playing since 2011, but never actually been good in your case i would say. To compare bazooka C and nade A to hermes and zeus is the most rediculous thing i have ever read on this forum.

    2 measely bullets which require you to aim with great accuracy AND swap double jump. They both have a low firing rate and require you to swap.

    It's not our fault you can't know when to use them effectively in battle. I bet you are the type who camps with sniper in one spot all game long.


    If anything bazooka and grenades need a buff. They feel a little underpowered and the bullet speed is lacking.

    Bro what on earth are you talking about ??? lmao, ive seen people already asking for buffs for them or even more ammo, just.. what the heck. NO, seriously

    From this statement all i see is someone dying to spamm over and over again


    The nades have insane blast radius already, they deal up to 1600dmg, what do you even mean by saying  " They have 2 freaking bullets wdym?! You cant spam 3 in a row and get a kill " you literally die from those 2 bullets .....

    Also the rockets are dumb as well, everyone plays with the same loadout and you die from 2 nades or get insanely low hp from 2 rockets and thats it. how is that balanced? im really wondering if you know what you are talking about buddy, the spamm should not be a thing in the game, yes we should use explosives but not like that


    The discrepancy between the loadout everyone uses and the others ones is insane, one is too op and the others are completely trash. Good balancing from the devs , what can i say... also this marvellous idea of Type A B C weapons turned out to be completely dog doo doo .. they could have just left them as they were and balance it out ..

  19. 4 minutes ago, j0hNESY said:

    Don't reset exp but just adjust the exp that players already have to the old system, so everyone stay with their exp but with the old system and ICONS!

    yes maybe recalculate the level based on EXP made and EXP needed for the old system.  i was just about to commet this 😄
    Also, i do have to say this - the old icons are so freaking nice , i love them!


    Note: just add this ...for the love of god...

    On 10/28/2023 at 1:05 PM, MrPieman said:

    RT would be really cool but honestly, I just want MP per match it can be even a third of the xp gained per match

    --->    I know this is about the lvls not the match xp


    • Like 2
  20. 42 minutes ago, Cosmin said:

    First things first, we need CW.

    Then, nerf f*cking spawn shield, 5 seconds is too long, make it 3 at most. 

    And the last thing that fucks me up in terms of gameplay are just change the spawns for all the most, make it so everyone spawns in their base, not in the f*cking middle of the map, it just ruins everything.

    Couldn't have said it better
