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Posts posted by Pirate

  1. 14 minutes ago, Sapphire said:

    Hes an old friend from a community in cs 1.6. He doesnt have any post because he doesnt have time because of work at a casino but if you think its a bot, you do you im not here to argue about it

    I'm not here to argue either I'm just pointing it out because it's very suspicious imo

    • Like 1
  2. So I was looking at "Popular Contribuitors" because I'm a curious guy and I always like to dig deeper and I saw a user called "Sapphire" most of you know him I think.. since he's almost everywhere on this forum so let's begin

    First let's start with his "Reactions Received"ย 
    Link to Sapphire's reputation



    So we can see that he has:
    - 139 hearts
    - 14 trophies
    - 10 laughing emojis
    - 1 idk what that emoji is ๐Ÿ˜…
    Now let's go to MrInside's Profile


    Let's not forget that he also has 0 posts and everything he does is react to mostly Sapphires posts
    We can also see here that he has given
    - 84 hearts
    - 7 trophies
    - 2 laughing emojis

    Let's remove some of MrInside's reactions:
    - 2 Leo
    - 1 sw1ndle
    - 1 GVBKA
    - 1 Volt
    - 1 desafinado56
    6 reactions

    Now let's see how many reactions has MrInside given to Sapphire
    I'll remove 6 reactions ( hearts becasue I won't look with what he reacted ) since those were not given to Sapphire
    84 - 6 (reactions to other users) = 78
    139 - 78 = 61 hearts ~
    14 - 7 = 7 trophies
    10 - 2 = 8 laughing emojis
    So 76 reactions were given to Sapphire by MrInside
    That's ~ 54% of Sapphire's reputation (If I'm not wrong)

    I really hope that this is not true but if it is then it's scummy
    Edit: I'm sorry for giving links like this but I cannot attach images :classic_sad:
