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Posts posted by Night

  1. 11 hours ago, Night said:

    HP vs Run Speed

    So characters have way to much initial speed and HP, it takes so many bullets to kill someone and it makes the game feel slow. My sugestion would be to give the normal 2000 HP and 0% Run Speed and don't let full tank go over 300+ HP, full speed parts shouldn't give more than 8-9%. This will make it easier to balance weapon damage.

    There is no need to have extra bullet armor and explosion armor, specially if the bazooka and grenade damage is balanced.


    About the characters, there is no point in having so many characters. Just keep C.H.I.P, Knox, Naomi, Pandora and Kai, no one likes the others.

    Upgrade system

    I love the upgrading parts idea, it's nice that I get to choose what I want for parts I win in the capsule.

    But i have a question about the weapons upgrade system. Is it only 1 level?


    The sniper was being used in close range fights too much, so the aditional zoom was a nice way to avoid that, still some snipers have insane zoom speed. For a low sensitivity player like me it's hard to move the scope so i sugest adding a setting so players can change their sensitivity while scoped.

    Meeles make you go so fast it's hard to control and sometimes annoying. When i first played I didn't upgrade my meele and it felt pretty fast already (620 default run speed i think) then I upgraded it and it was too overpowered.

    For the bazookas and the grenade launchers I feel like the power shouldn't go over 800-900.


    Back in the days there wasn't much we could buy with RT in the shop, not everyone likes to risk their money on the capsule so it would be nice to have a shop that changes monthly/weekly, we would always have the normal MP items and ADV weapons but every month/week there was something different in the shop it's ok if the items repeat every once in a while. Also capsule items should never go to the shop and shop items shouldn't go to the capsule.


    Im looking forward to the full game release. Have a good night!

    I forgot to talk about accessories. I feel like the ammo that you are given without accessories is a balanced amount for every game mode (except Zombie Mode) so maybe we could choose between 10/20% +XP or 10/20% +MP when we upgrade the accessorie.

  2. I

    15 minutes ago, Sapphire said:

    Imo you should be able to chose from tanking or speed because if you tank all you need to do is snipe him with a headshot or bodyshot him and then shoot a bazooka or grenade launcher even the rifle works. About the speed its messed up in the new version 16% is more than enough. The bullet & explosive armour was cool imo aswell.

    But i actually like sophitia & sharkkill 😶😶

    About your question on upgrades there will be more levels probably it was just for testing it out.

    On snipers so what if the sniper was used close range? I only saw some people use it like that (personally i dont understand how they can use it like xD). Its hard to even use it like that, i would need some luck to hit it close range. But the zoom sensitivity setting is needed.

    Lastly the shop nice suggestion actually like it, imo it wasn't worth to buy anything with RT from there, would be cool to add a weapon of the week and put a bazooka(from the capsule) thats unlimited that you can buy with rt and change it every week with weapons or parts/sets.

    I was good with the sniper even in close range but after seeing people saying that the sniper was too OP i decided to add that comment

  3. HP vs Run Speed

    So characters have way to much initial speed and HP, it takes so many bullets to kill someone and it makes the game feel slow. My sugestion would be to give the normal 2000 HP and 0% Run Speed and don't let full tank go over 300+ HP, full speed parts shouldn't give more than 8-9%. This will make it easier to balance weapon damage.

    There is no need to have extra bullet armor and explosion armor, specially if the bazooka and grenade damage is balanced.


    About the characters, there is no point in having so many characters. Just keep C.H.I.P, Knox, Naomi, Pandora and Kai, no one likes the others.

    Upgrade system

    I love the upgrading parts idea, it's nice that I get to choose what I want for parts I win in the capsule.

    But i have a question about the weapons upgrade system. Is it only 1 level?


    The sniper was being used in close range fights too much, so the aditional zoom was a nice way to avoid that, still some snipers have insane zoom speed. For a low sensitivity player like me it's hard to move the scope so i sugest adding a setting so players can change their sensitivity while scoped.

    Meeles make you go so fast it's hard to control and sometimes annoying. When i first played I didn't upgrade my meele and it felt pretty fast already (620 default run speed i think) then I upgraded it and it was too overpowered.

    For the bazookas and the grenade launchers I feel like the power shouldn't go over 800-900.


    Back in the days there wasn't much we could buy with RT in the shop, not everyone likes to risk their money on the capsule so it would be nice to have a shop that changes monthly/weekly, we would always have the normal MP items and ADV weapons but every month/week there was something different in the shop it's ok if the items repeat every once in a while. Also capsule items should never go to the shop and shop items shouldn't go to the capsule.


    Im looking forward to the full game release. Have a good night!
