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Posts posted by iHawks

  1. 18 hours ago, desafinado56 said:

    Its very unfriendly to the enviroment, a cash grab, what could be the next financial bubble and its unregulated to such a ridiculous level people have been and will continue to be scammed to hell and back. This is not the future, its a problem. You also know for a fact that the moment the devs give the tinniest hints towards being interested in nfts that half the people here would leave and the other half would hold them at gun point, because again this is a problem.
    Im not here to discuss this and wont be continuing this conversation further because this is supposed to be somewhere people to come to get news and talk about the game, i will however tell you that considering youre the only person here that supports nfts that you should maybe pay attention to everyone else around you here. 

    You mean you can make MONEY with NFT's? You mea that thing this development team really needs? Let's be real here the game needs some form of income to stay running, much less thrive. The reason people spent money in the old MVS is because you literally didn't have any other choice unless you really enjoyed getting fucked in public lobbies. 

    So I suppose the current plan is to make the game not pay-to-win, which I'm all for, but if then how is it supposed to generate income? Skins? And who is going to buy those skins? And what value does the skin have if you (i assume) can't trade them? 


    I don't appreciate you shitting on my ideas. Whether you like it or not, I'm pointing out some pretty obvious flaws in the devs plan, which you might notice if you paid attention.


    I think NFT's would be cool and that's my opinion, if you don't like it I respect your choice but then I'd expect you to have something better in mind.

    Not that it matters because the devs aren't reading this and never will, and even if they did, they wouldn't take anything either I or you say into account.


    I want MicroVolts to be a fun game that progressively gets better and better. I'm not gonna sit and play the same version of the game forever.

  2. 21 hours ago, Volt said:

    What they could do though is integrate trading and "owning" an item in Steam's inventory database, so you could "own" an item, and also do with you'd like with it, like trading it.

    My guy you literally just described an NFT.

  3. 23 hours ago, desafinado56 said:

    No its really not going in that direction at all, just look at the backlash nfts have constantly been getting, people will not accept this and thats a good thing.

    The first car ever had a top speed of around 20km/h. It was considered such a safety hazard that it required 4 people to carry lights and ring bells around it at all times so that nobody would "get run over" because of it's incredible speed. Safe to say, the majority of people were against the idea of the car since a horse did the job just fine.

    I believe the same with NFT's and yes, right now it's kind of a shitty 20km/h car that isn't very impressive but the potential it has in society is completely different from anything we've seen before.

    All I'm saying is that you can choose which side of the table you decide to sit at.

  4. 3 minutes ago, OGSapphire said:

    Ok soooo all im going to say is that the mvr team has a small team & budget and please STOP BRINGING NFT'S INTO THIS .

    I believe this and more can be achieved with a smaller team and a smaller budget. Hence the reference to indie mobile games. It isn't a matter of size and budget but rather where that budget is spent and how the team is managed.

    I truly believe that the changes the current team has spent countless months working on could be knocked out in a few hours. 

    As for NFT's, I'm not going to try to sell you on NFT's since clearly you're clearly not interested, but I can guarantee you that literally everything you pay for in the future is going to be an NFT. Whether it's a skin in a video game, a house or a snickers bar. Why? Because it makes sense. Of course at that point we won't refer to them as NFT's. At that point it's just a snickers bar.


    My point is that you can either adapt now and gain from it or bicker about it until you don't have a choice.

  5. I posted this as a reply in another thread and thought it was worth sharing here.


    As much as I love MV, I don't think the game is going to hold up in the gaming market very well. I think the player base is going to consist of the old school MV players and that's it. In it's current state, the game will not attract new players as the standard for video games is a lot higher than what they were 10 years ago when MV was in it's prime.


    The game is built on an engine called "Gamebryo". Yeah I hadn't heard of it either until just now. For context, go look at their website. I'm no developer so I don't really know jack about shit, but from the looks of it, it's no Unreal Engine 5.

    The shaders don't even compare to the graphics you'd find in a free indie game for mobile and I do not think they're going to get better any time soon.


    The controls are the biggest learning curve in the game and because it's so meta it's impossible for a complete beginner to fare well in a match against higher level players for a veeeeery long time. A solution to this might be to nerf swapping to lower the threshold for new players, but that would completely eliminate the games most essential and unique feature and kill off the current player base.


    From what I can gather, the dev team are Korean and from the several spelling and grammar errors I've seen in their posts on these forums I think it's safe to assume that they don't speak English very well, which is unfortune because it's the language literally everybody on hear speaks. This of course raises the barrier of communication with the fans.

    The game doesn't have any social media presence either, which isn't always a bad thing, but in this case I think it's very bad as we have no idea who's really behind the game and I haven't seen the team interacting with community which is a big red flag.


    If the dev team is aiming to create a nostalgia filled game for the true die hard fans of MicroVolts that isn't going to need a lot of resources to keep up and running, then i think the devs are doing fine.


    If the devs want to create a game that is going to be enjoyable for both old and new players, generate income, and thrive; here are the changes I would make:


    Completely re-design the shaders to match today's standard.

    Yes, Minecraft was also released in 2009 and still looks the same, but you're not Minecraft.


    Focus on marketing.

    The game already has a good foundation so IF the game they release is actually good, I think it will spread like wildfire. Social media marketing will fuel that fire.

    The current team currently has no idea how to engage with the community and keep people interested.


    Hire a community manager THAT SPEAKS ENGLISH. (my DM's are open, wink wink)


    Do something really unique! Right now the "metaverse" is something that is slowly boiling behind the scenes and in a few years it will be mainstream.

    If MicroVolts was able to tap into Web3 and utilize NFT's, it would be FUCKING HUGE.

    Right now, a bunch of studios are making their own "metaverses" and are working HARD to attract a player base. MV already has that player base and all it would need to do is to utilize Web3.


    Consistently share and update the current stage of development.

    Create an ABOUT US page so that everybody can see who's working behind the scenes. If some of the team doesn't want to DOX themselves, that's fine, but at least make a Twitter page for each member involved so people can interact with the team. 


    I would personally be honored to work with the team to make changes and release an amazing game, but unfortunately I doubt anybody from the team will either see or acknowledge this post at all. It kind of seems like they team are aware of this but are trying to revive the dead dog that is MicroVolts in hopes of bringing back the old days.

    I know my criticism seems harsh but I wouldn't be saying it if I didn't think there's still a chance for MV to make a comeback.
