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  1. imma be honest with u guys.. dont use xigncode as anticheat if u dont wanna see what happened in MVS back in the days.. xigncode its legit the worst anticheat u could put for the game.. because hackers already know how to get in, maybe get a better 1 like Vanguard but for mv u know.. i dont know if its possible but if it is do something about it.. cause it will be a disaster..
  2. Dear Microvolts, so when i was playing some games on beta i realised the sniper aim seems way 2 different.. the zoom on sea eagle and hunter are kinda different, so i suggest u guys to revert if possible because this is kinda unplayable for snipers in my opinion.
  3. Its been a while since Leo told us the release from the game was in half of this year.. we are almost in August and nothing about it yet.. im losing my hope every single day.. please give us more information about the game.