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  1. When 1 bazooka bullet (type C) can deal up to 1300 damage per bullet, "They have 2 freaking bullets wdym?!" either shows youre unable to use explosives well, or youre simply blind as to how OP they truly are.
  2. Type A grenade and Type C bazooka are zeus and hermes respectively.
  3. Trust me, I am speaking for half the community here, having the ammo of explosives increased while we have hermes and zeus in the game is definitely not healthy under any means.
  4. 5$ for 1000 battery seems legit Namechanger should be 500 rt I agree with the rest.
  5. Youre asking for mods to abuse their power and give free items to themselves and their friends.
  6. I mean, EU is the main server so it somewhat makes sense.
  7. Hey man u already know my ign 🙂
  8. The thing is power melees do not 1 shot sometimes due to RNG, so you're playing a luck based game at that point.
  9. Tanking in a melee only is like having a second life. Imagine a normal player (in melee only) who plays speed, having to go against a tanker, 1 on 1 situation the speed player will always lose, due to the tanker needing 2 hits to kill rather than one, plus the fact that tankers have way less speed, making them inclined not to push, hence making the speed player forced into a pushing position (and I do not think I need to explain as to why speed person should not be pushing the tanker). If the speed player wants to 1 hit the tanker, they have to use a C type on power, making them have less range than optimal (the difference between C type on power and C type on range is astronomical). This is why most melee players put "no tank" in the room title.